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  1. Ferrah

    Another Barbaro Memorial

    Here is anaother Barbaro memorial video. I felt so badly for that horse. May he be a testament to what is wrong with the racing industry...but also in a strange way, what is so great about it. I have such mixed feelings over this horse. Oops! I guess I link would help wouldn't it? :
  2. Ferrah

    Barbaro update

    I wish we knew what he was really feeling, the poor guy.
  3. Ferrah

    Ridding Lessons, what to expect?

    I would get a good qualified saddle fitter to come out and do a saddle fit on your guy. They can also tell you what size seat you will need to be comfortable. After a ride if you take of the saddle and pad and there are dry spots (the horse did not sweat evenly), then your saddle is rubbing...
  4. Ferrah

    What are your favorite driving books and videos?

    I have three driving books and my favorite so far has been Carraige Driving by Heike Bean and Sarah Blanchard. It has been the easiest of the books I have at home (and got at the Library) to understand and it covers a lot of topics very thoroughly. I did find it frustratingly difficult to get...
  5. Ferrah

    Share pictures of your ridding horses

    Here is the love of my life! This is Ferrah. She is a 24 year old dun Arab X QH cross. I got her for free because she was a neurotic terror. Just look at her now! We have competed in dressage, hunter, jumper, and gymkhana. But because of her age, we just do trails now. (Ignore me in the...
  6. Ferrah

    Question for those who ride...

    I carry pocketfuls of rocks and bear mace. If the dog is really aggressive, I have to get off so I don't fall off. I keep the bear mace on me in case the dog gets aggressive to me. I have only had to use it once. My 1/2 Arab mare Ferrah also kicks at dogs. I don't encourage her to do this...
  7. Ferrah

    Meet My New Dog!

    My new dog is finally here! His name is Turbo and he is a 11 month old "throwback" Pomeranian! I have only had him for one day, and already I love him. I thought he would be acting like he is missing his family, but he seems to enjoy all the attention he is getting. I am in 4-H and I am...
  8. Ferrah

    I'm Getting a DOG!!!

    I am excitied beyond belief! I am getting a DOG! I have wanted a dog ever since I can remember. I am 19 years old now and this will be my first dog!!! All my friends think I am crazy because...well...this is my first dog! My passion has always been for horses and dogs and I am just really...
  9. Ferrah

    What is it with People?

    I went through this at school a lot. I was lucky to have understanding friends who would allow me the occasional outpouring of horse-ness. In return I was just as understanding by listening to what they were passionate about, even if it was not something I necessarily enjoyed. When I did...
  10. Ferrah

    I need a hacker!

    Marty, do you know Michael's username for Yahoo? If you do, try to log in as Michael and select the "Forgot Your Password" link. It will ask you a question (which hopefully you can answer) and you should be able to get his password that way. You should be able to get into his Myspace account...
  11. Ferrah

    Special Video I Made

    Marty listening to your stories about Michael and Dan was always a favorite of mine on this forum. Michael and I were born in the same year and he only a month after me, so in a strange way I felt close to this. Us 1987 models have to stick together you know. The focus on his eyes was easy...
  12. Ferrah

    our first foal 2007 WHATASURPRISE!!!!!

    Wow, he is SO precious! :
  13. Ferrah

    What are your 2 favorite classes

    My favorite to watch is liberty. I love watching those minis move. My favorite to participate in was a close call between halter obstacle, hunter/jumper and liberty. But I had to choose liberty because that is the class my horses and I both really enjoy!
  14. Ferrah


    This is Cinnabar sitting in the snow! Cinnabar doesn't like snow much as he often gets stuck in snow drifts and needs to be rescued!
  15. Ferrah

    Video For iluvwalkers

    I made this video for iluvwalkers! iluvwalkers wanted me to share the video with all of you on The Back Porch. Here it is: Enjoy!
  16. Ferrah

    Training Videos

    It depends what kind of training appeals to you the most. I would visit all the major trainers websites and read their training philosophies and programs. Most of the major trainers philosophies are now basically the same when you get right down to it, but the methods of getting there are...
  17. Ferrah

    What product did you discover in 2006 that is a MUST have?

    My favorites from thsi year are: Hairspray!!! Seriously this stuff is a lifesaver! It takes off black hoof polish like nothing else. 911 paste. I am convinced it was the 911 paste that got my Cinnabar eating again after he drank a bucket of soap water. I will never be without at least one...
  18. Ferrah


    I love that bit of white on his nose!
  19. Ferrah

    Special Video I Made

    Thanks everyone.
  20. Ferrah

    Teenage Angst...Just Bear With Me While I Vent

    Thanks everyone. I'm just going to go with it. I'd rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. Love you guys! Ferrah