Well-Known Member
I posted pictures of our Tennessee Walker a few days back. He is the first ridding horse we have had in many years bc my dad is getting up there in age and i never got into ridding horses. Allot of my friends around here are 'big horse' people. Let me start off by saying i am basically scared to death of ridding, which is another reason we have not had big horses for a while ....dad gave up on me years ago. One of my friends has a very lazy QH and over the past few months i've been on him about 4x and out of those 4x only 2 of them were of me actually ridding without Britney leading him ...okay i'm a wuss.
Their is just something special about this new horse though, i cant put it into words but i want to ride him ...its just that fear is their. Last saturday we took him over to a indoor arena and Britney rode him down for us and then i was led on him for about 20 minutes ....i had a great time, of course after the 15 or so minutes i spent on the mounting block debating if i really wanted to do this and put my life on the line. He is a very calm and relaxed horse, i truly trust him ..i just dont know if i trust myself enough on him. I've been trying to spend as much time as possible with him so he feels as safe with me and trust me so i can trust him.
Last night we called over to where we took him last week, the lady who owns the stable gives ridding lessons $35/hr on my own horse or $45/hr on her horse. I start lessons 2hrs every Saturday and 2hrs every Wensday. My first lesson is next saturday, cant do one this wensday bc her husband is an auctioner and they are going out of state. Today we ran to TSC and i invested in a crash helmet, brand new tom thrumb snaffle w/ tonge rollers on it and reins that i like. My dad has quite the collection of bridles, i found one that i really like and is fairly new and brought it inside and cleaned it up ..looks almost brand new.
Last Friday dad and i went to Sugarcreek to get a saddle for me, bc he has his 15'' saddle and my butt is slightly bigger then a 15'' saddle lol. We found a 16'' King saddle, that i really regret getting now. Its very light weight and doesnt stay in place. The saddle the lady has over at the stable is a 16'' Billy Cook saddle that was like $900 or so, i dont feel like investing that much into a saddle just yet. What brand is good and reasonably priced?
I didnt expect to really get this into everything, but i am. I just have a few questions, what should i expect in my first few lessons? I want to take it VERY slow and as exited as i am for the first lesson, i have to say that i am scared to death just thinking about being turned loose on a 1,100lb animal. Is it normal to be scared just starting out? Were you? The horse my friend Britney has is extemely lazy (well we call him 'well trained' ..shhhh) and its a good day if he will actually trot and i was still aprehensive about getting on him.
Now i have a few questions about tack.
The girth we have on him is a 33''. How do you determine what size girth you need. Problem we're having is even on the last whole on the left side of the saddle, its up to high and doesnt come up far enough on the other side where you tie it. I have not found anything bigger then a 33'' ..i dont think he is that fat ..maybe its just the saddle? Any suggestions?
Now, i have a bit/bridle question. How do you propperly decide what type of bitt to use? The bitt i got for him is a 'reining bit'. Its a tom thumb snaffle with copper rollers on the tounge, $59 at TSC :new_shocked:. He is pretty soft on the mouth from what Brit told me and isnt hard to control, he doesnt chew the bit either. Did i get the right bit or should i get something different? Also how 'tight' should the bitt be in the mouth or well, the cheek? I was told by someone the bit should sit lightly on the mouth and someone else told me to look for 2 rolls behind the bitt in the cheek.
Now, one last question
. Saddle fitting ....how do you determine what size saddle you should have. The 16'' saddle fits comfy to me but what is the actual way you determine your size saddle? Should the size of your horse or backlength play into choosing the size?
Anything else you have to throw in would be helpfull as well, this is all very new to me.
My fear is falling off and getting my foot stuck in the sturip and getting dragged and stepped on. Or having the horse freak and run off with me. Or rear up and fall down on me. Or lay down and roll with me. Or the saddle to slide sideways. Just allot of 'what ifs' i guess. I dont think its normal to be this scared. I want to learn to ride, i do ....there is just that fear standing in the way.
Thank you
Their is just something special about this new horse though, i cant put it into words but i want to ride him ...its just that fear is their. Last saturday we took him over to a indoor arena and Britney rode him down for us and then i was led on him for about 20 minutes ....i had a great time, of course after the 15 or so minutes i spent on the mounting block debating if i really wanted to do this and put my life on the line. He is a very calm and relaxed horse, i truly trust him ..i just dont know if i trust myself enough on him. I've been trying to spend as much time as possible with him so he feels as safe with me and trust me so i can trust him.
Last night we called over to where we took him last week, the lady who owns the stable gives ridding lessons $35/hr on my own horse or $45/hr on her horse. I start lessons 2hrs every Saturday and 2hrs every Wensday. My first lesson is next saturday, cant do one this wensday bc her husband is an auctioner and they are going out of state. Today we ran to TSC and i invested in a crash helmet, brand new tom thrumb snaffle w/ tonge rollers on it and reins that i like. My dad has quite the collection of bridles, i found one that i really like and is fairly new and brought it inside and cleaned it up ..looks almost brand new.
Last Friday dad and i went to Sugarcreek to get a saddle for me, bc he has his 15'' saddle and my butt is slightly bigger then a 15'' saddle lol. We found a 16'' King saddle, that i really regret getting now. Its very light weight and doesnt stay in place. The saddle the lady has over at the stable is a 16'' Billy Cook saddle that was like $900 or so, i dont feel like investing that much into a saddle just yet. What brand is good and reasonably priced?
I didnt expect to really get this into everything, but i am. I just have a few questions, what should i expect in my first few lessons? I want to take it VERY slow and as exited as i am for the first lesson, i have to say that i am scared to death just thinking about being turned loose on a 1,100lb animal. Is it normal to be scared just starting out? Were you? The horse my friend Britney has is extemely lazy (well we call him 'well trained' ..shhhh) and its a good day if he will actually trot and i was still aprehensive about getting on him.
Now i have a few questions about tack.
The girth we have on him is a 33''. How do you determine what size girth you need. Problem we're having is even on the last whole on the left side of the saddle, its up to high and doesnt come up far enough on the other side where you tie it. I have not found anything bigger then a 33'' ..i dont think he is that fat ..maybe its just the saddle? Any suggestions?
Now, i have a bit/bridle question. How do you propperly decide what type of bitt to use? The bitt i got for him is a 'reining bit'. Its a tom thumb snaffle with copper rollers on the tounge, $59 at TSC :new_shocked:. He is pretty soft on the mouth from what Brit told me and isnt hard to control, he doesnt chew the bit either. Did i get the right bit or should i get something different? Also how 'tight' should the bitt be in the mouth or well, the cheek? I was told by someone the bit should sit lightly on the mouth and someone else told me to look for 2 rolls behind the bitt in the cheek.
Now, one last question

Anything else you have to throw in would be helpfull as well, this is all very new to me.
My fear is falling off and getting my foot stuck in the sturip and getting dragged and stepped on. Or having the horse freak and run off with me. Or rear up and fall down on me. Or lay down and roll with me. Or the saddle to slide sideways. Just allot of 'what ifs' i guess. I dont think its normal to be this scared. I want to learn to ride, i do ....there is just that fear standing in the way.
Thank you

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