What is it with people thinking its so weird for someone to be "obsessed" with horses? For example at school you go on about how you did with your horse and people make fun. "Oh so and so is in love with a horse" .But If you go one about how you got 1st at your basketball tournament its "cool". It just irrates me to the nines! People have always been like this! My own dad thinks I should of never started with horses
: He thinks Im to preoccupied to do my school work! haha. But whatever the story goes. I'm sure Im not the only one getting this reaction? What about you guys? Also . when you say your dream is to go to AMHR nationals and you want to save up and your parents give you that look ! I just dont understand haha. My moms supportive ; my dad to he goes to my shows but I know he doesnt likes that I am so obsessed haha and goign to a huge horse show is my dream not going to University
or getting a Good job.