What is it with People?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2004
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What is it with people thinking its so weird for someone to be "obsessed" with horses? For example at school you go on about how you did with your horse and people make fun. "Oh so and so is in love with a horse" .But If you go one about how you got 1st at your basketball tournament its "cool". It just irrates me to the nines! People have always been like this! My own dad thinks I should of never started with horses
: He thinks Im to preoccupied to do my school work! haha. But whatever the story goes. I'm sure Im not the only one getting this reaction? What about you guys? Also . when you say your dream is to go to AMHR nationals and you want to save up and your parents give you that look ! I just dont understand haha. My moms supportive ; my dad to he goes to my shows but I know he doesnt likes that I am so obsessed haha and goign to a huge horse show is my dream not going to University;) or getting a Good job.
haha. Yah I take things so personally. The thought of comeone not agreeing with liking horses makes me mad! Its silly how one person can be obsessed with hockey and its normal but obsessed with horses oh no! haha. I love mine and I dont think i could ever give that up .. EVER.
: Im only 15 but I know Ill be with it for good.
When I was in school very few other kids understood my passion with horses; except those in 4-H and such. My parents were thrilled I was involved with horses... it kept me out of trouble. When news would come out about kids in trouble, my parents knew where they could find me... At the barn or a horse show or a 4-H meeting. Simple.
Kyle found out too that its not good to be a teenage boy and talk about horses at school
breaks my heart. He has posted some stuff on his blog about being the ohio ambassader for the world show and kids made horrible comments about him and horses.

But the good side is he loves horse shows and all his friends at the shows and that is where he is truly comfortable.

He did tell me that he just doesnt bring up horses at school as its not worth the hassle

I get teased from my coworkers about horses but hey if I have to listen to their boring stories about kids, they have to put up with mine about my critters. If they don't, I don't listen to how cute little Billy is.....cuz personally I could care less.

We have these notepads at works that you can give to coworkers with notes on them if they went out of their way to do something. I got one from a coworker after I picked up an arab at an auction and saved her from the meat guy....LOL.
Yah in regards to your story about Kyle; Guys do get it worse. Oh i have friends form school I hang out with they dont really like horses and dont really like If I go on about it. But my 4H freinds are so sweet and we share the same apssion and its wonderful. I love the supposrt I have having them around. I guesse I need to just not take it so personally when my dad thinks its stupid. Its not like Im doing something wrong. Its just when he gives me that look or doesnt answer when I talk about how im saving to go to Nationals it kind of hurts my feelings; But I just take it to personally I suppose. Again in your story about Kyle its definatly better to just avoid the talks at school. And come on the forum and share your precious Guys and talk about horses forever or cvall up your 4h Friends! We have sleepovetr and hang out all the time as well Its great to have such a close knit club. tehe I also ran for youth director of Miniature Horse Club Ontario (www.mhco.ca) and got it I love just being in the industry more
: I also ride he thinsk I do too much horse stuf fnot enough school becaus emy marks are down so its bugging him alot lately
As far as your dad goes, typical non horsey male. My fiance will spoil our cats and dog to death, but he doesn't get the horse thing. He's still annoyed I got my last horse...LOL. Just be glad your dad DOES go to your shows. Just wanted to add that in! And he is right to be bugged about your grades!!!

I was fortunate that I've always had horses since I was born. My mom loved them and my first memories involve horses albeit the big ones. They do get in your heart and stay there!
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Don't feel bad.... I get teased by my dairy farming in-laws about the horses.They just don't understand how I can love something so much that doesn't make any money. :no: And I also get told what a waste of money they are by my step-mom. She's one to talk. She's got 4 alpacas and 2 llamas that she does nothing with.... I just usually come back to her with the fact that she's wasting money on the llamas and alpacas!

I am thankful though that my hubby-to-be is great with the horses. He's the one that does our farrier work!!! :bgrin
What is it with people thinking its so weird for someone to be "obsessed" with horses?

For example at school you go on about how you did with your horse and people make fun. "Oh so and so is in love with a horse"

Ok Devon, let's cut to the chase here. It's becaue in your words "OBCESSED"

You said : you go on about how you did with your horse OK so you are boring them. They do not share your interests. They cannot relate. So quit going on and on about it. Talk about it some.......that's ok, but quit the constant on and on routine and they will quit making fun of you.

All I hear around here day in and day out is cars, cars, and cars. I am sick of it, sick of hearing about it. I do not share the enthusiam of stupid cars and motors and over hauling.....
What is it with people thinking its so weird for someone to be "obsessed" with horses?

For example at school you go on about how you did with your horse and people make fun. "Oh so and so is in love with a horse"

Ok Devon, let's cut to the chase here. It's becaue in your words "OBCESSED"

You said : you go on about how you did with your horse OK so you are boring them. They do not share your interests. They cannot relate. So quit going on and on about it. Talk about it some.......that's ok, but quit the constant on and on routine and they will quit making fun of you.

All I hear around here day in and day out is cars, cars, and cars. I am sick of it, sick of hearing about it. I do not share the enthusiam of stupid cars and motors and over hauling.....
:no: Sorry? I dont go on and on.. I wrote *For Example* If *you* I am just saying in general people think its crazy someone could have a hobby with horses . And say I were going on and in which I dont if you read my other reply do ; because I KNOW people dont like it because they arnt interested; . I guesse you want to tell all the youth who get made fun of for liking horses to stop tlaking about the things they are passionate about? and they wont get made fun of or laughed at? I guesse what you just told me to quit talking about it hurts my feelings because you were just so blunt about it . I am just stating why is it that people think it weird to like horses. I just dont understand why you pulled out how i should not go on and on and told me bluntly that its like listeninting about cars Promise I don't talk about them at school but I owuld if I wanted ot because I am passionate about horses and its my hobby. like track and field is someone elses. If you reread it I was being hypothetical saying in example. But I dont understand why you would say it liekt hat? when that wasnt really the point and I said I dont do that. :no I also didnt ask for Tips Im just wondering how many other people experience the how can you love a horse talk. I don't understand why you said what you did. I hate when these little posts get out of hand haha. Sucha frequent thing. I just get offended and hurt to easy hah! ( nopt form people at school) By the post you just wrote... I could care less about school poeple haha i have tons of friends becaus ei lay off the horse talk but some poeple do think its neat!
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I am 43 and (mostly) all I talk about is horses, think about is horses, care about is horses, dream about is horses, etc. Most of my friends are the same way, so we enjoy talking about horses! Some of my friends are not into horses and so we talk about other things, not horses.

Horses are what makes ME happy and I don't care what anyone else thinks. My life is for me to live. I don't live my life according to what others think I should.

My horses do not judge me and they don't mind if I talk to them or about them! LOL!

Horses don't laugh at you, make fun of you, stab you in the back and play high school games.

Be true to yourself. Don't conform to what others think you should be. Your life is for you to live.

Your parents may not understand but I'm sure they rather you loving horses instead of drugs.

I thank God for my horses
I am 43 and (mostly) all I talk about is horses, think about is horses, care about is horses, dream about is horses, etc. Most of my friends are the same way, so we enjoy talking about horses! Some of my friends are not into horses and so we talk about other things, not horses.

Horses are what makes ME happy and I don't care what anyone else thinks. My life is for me to live. I don't live my life according to what others think I should.

My horses do not judge me and they don't mind if I talk to them or about them! LOL!

Horses don't laugh at you, make fun of you, stab you in the back and play high school games.

Be true to yourself. Don't conform to what others think you should be. Your life is for you to live.

Your parents may not understand but I'm sure they rather you loving horses instead of drugs.

I thank God for my horses
Well Said! And I dont care
: I just dont understand the reasoning behind people thinking the hobby of horses is weird ?! haha their definatly the weird ones ! haha Im thinking about them 24/7 too. ahah! put me with another mini person I could talk for days tehe! haah I dream about hem too hehe!
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Only one person can live your life, only one person you can make you happy, and that's you.

Hug your horse, he understands!
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Only one person can live your life, only one person you can make you happy, and that's you.

Hug your horse, he understands!
: To bad he doesnt live in my backyard I could use a Wee Man Hug! I got a few today of course haha!
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I do understand and it is frustrating when you are so very passionate about something and nobody wants to listen. I am sorry I came on fresh like that. I did misread a couple of things. I've been in your shoes a lot and it's no fun not to be able to get anyone else interested in what matters to you. What I should have said if I were thinking is try not to only talk about horses to the kids at school. Don't stop talking about them, and be proud of them of course, but rather just try tohave an open mind to what some of the other kids are talking about. I don't know why they would think you were "weird" as you say. Everyone has their own thing and horsemanship happens to be yours. To each his own I guess. But don't let it get to you.

My best friend of over 50 years still does not get my passion for horses. She is a million miles away from it, however, she does listen when I talk about it to her a little bit and she atleast acts like she's interested, even when I know she's not. She tells me about what Broadway shows she has been to see and I about fall asleep on the end of the phone. She tells me about her desinger wardrobe and new make up from her fancy department stores and can't understand why I get excited over a new sweat suit from Walmart. She just got a purse from Prada and I got excited because I have a new manure fork. But you know what? It doesn't matter. We're best friends and we respect the way we have each chosen to live.

Sometimes, friends don't have to think alike, just respect eachother for who they are.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Well, almost. My mom has minis herself and is very supportive. My dad isn't into the horses and he's came to one of my gymkhanas once. He knows i love my horses but he doesn't understand. And at school- i get loads of teasing. I'll say something about how i went riding or something and the kids will say "Are you gonna marry you're horse?" or "Oh my gosh, Lindsey, you and your horses...do you ever talk about anything else?" but as soon as i say, oh i have a quad, they say "Dude, thats cool! What kind is it?" It makes me mad. They just don't understand because they haven't been lucky enough to experience the love of a horse in their lives.
I went through this at school a lot. I was lucky to have understanding friends who would allow me the occasional outpouring of horse-ness.

In return I was just as understanding by listening to what they were passionate about, even if it was not something I necessarily enjoyed. When I did this, I found out my friends were much more willing to listen about my horses. It a l;ot of give and take.

If it is just people at school bugging you about it who are not your friends...well...who really cares! If they bug you about it, just laugh it off or ignore it. They are not your friends and you don't have to put up with it anyway. Actually when I had this problem at school the aquantainces who bugged me about it I would actually find out later were really into horses...they were just jealous and didn't know how to express their interest!

Anyway in grade 11 and 12 I was suddenly the 'cool' horsegirl because I showed at Canadian Nationals and did the "extreme" sport of 3-Day Eventing. I casually showed a few picture of leaping over ditches and some videos of some good falls I had and suddenly it was cool to have a horse!

But I digress...I wouldn't worry about it so much. Be proud about your horses and don't ever, ever let anyone make you think that it is wrong or "uncool" to love a horse. Because really there is nothing better in the world than to love...and be loved by a horse!

Good luck!
That 3 day eventing reminds me of my younger school days. I went to school in a rural area and there were alot of 4-Hers. I was outside their clique because they rode western and they all though that was so cool. I rode english and did dressage and 3 day eventing. How I HATED dressage by my mom made me do it. I then got into pony club which they stress dressage and jumping so I was so happy to have other people involved in what I was. But at school yeah the lone man out. I did join 4-H but did nonhorsey stuff.
I'm 36 and have been putting up with this for my entire life. I have NEVER prattled on and on about horses to anyone who didn't seem to share my enthusiasm but the simple fact that I was always reading about horses or drawing horses or wearing horse related clothing was enough to get me mocked and harassed in school. If someone asked what i did on the weekend and i said i went to my friend sam's and we rode horses i got made of fun of. My parents, extended family, etc all set about trying to break me of my horsie habit, many of them by mocking and belittling my interest. I still do not understand it. I learned very early on to keep my interest to myself but why does anyone else care that I love horses and chose to spend my time and money on them when it in no way effects them??? It's even worse now that I have the mini, because they not only mock me, they also mock my horse for being "useless".

It's like if you are crazy about cars or sports or music that is fine but horses are somehow taboo. I swear if I have to listen to one more person gush on and on about football my head will explode, but you don;t see me mocking them and insulting them.

I've just learned to ignore people, and if they get rude with me about it I tell them point blank it is none of their business and if they have a problem with my love of horses then they are free to not associate with me. *shrug* I've found my life is a lot easier since i stopped caring about how other people view me... but sometimes it still gets on my nerves. Luckily I now have a family of people who while they may not be passionate about it they do ADORE the mini and all my animals and they ask about them and seem genuinely interested in hearing about them. Thank god I married into a family of animal lovers. They are always asking for cute stories of what the little guy has been up to, and they have been SO supportive since the loss of my pony.
Oh, same here Devon! I have just learned not to talk about it.. Unless THEY bring it up (and if it is a honest question, that is
: ). I have this one class with all kids I have known since Kindergarten. When topics come up about horses, they will sometimes joke about it with me, but they never go too far. I love that class so much.

Anyway, I just wouldn't talk about it.. I know it is hard to do, but I relize my friends could care less, and the topic is boring to them. What a shame, isn't it?

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