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  1. Dream

    What's Your "Day Job"

    Thank you so much Jill! My job certainly has its ups and downs but fortunately there are more ups than downs. It means the world to me if I can be there for people during the most stressful and upsetting times and provide some reassurance. I do so many different things in a given day and even...
  2. Dream

    What's Your "Day Job"

    Most of you already know from my signature and other threads that I am a horse vet. I worked in the horse industry for 5 years after high school and decided I wanted more for myself. I went back to high school for a year and a half, then to my undergrad and vet school. I don't regret it for a...
  3. Dream

    Pics of Forum Members on Their "Big" Horses

    My now 20 year old Appendix gelding in his younger days...
  4. Dream

    Let's See You

    My vet school graduation photo from 2 years ago. I like to think I still look the same :
  5. Dream

    Potomac Horse Fever ..... Help needed!!

    Potomac Horse Fever is treated with antibiotics (oxytetracycline) and should not be allowed to just run it's course. The severe diarrhea and laminitis that are part of the disease can be life threatening. It is NOT contagious from horse to horse. Horses get it by eating flies that are found...
  6. Dream

    MHCO Driving Clinic Day 1

    You and me both Ashley! He'll be in the show ring next year. I like the pic of Heather too. She is one special kid! Very focused.
  7. Dream

    MHCO Driving Clinic Day 1

    A couple more pics... Jeff makes adjustments to Summer's harness for Janice. Jeff shows young Heather how to hold her lines.
  8. Dream

    MHCO Driving Clinic Day 1

    Thanks Leia! I love the polos on him too (my dressage backgorund coming out). Kristin, the clinic was held at Jake Circle K Stable in Guelph. Day 2 was every bit as good as Day 1. Hopefully others who attended will post on here with what they thought. I'll see if I can get my hands on some...
  9. Dream

    MHCO Driving Clinic Day 1

    The first day of the clinic is behind us and I just wanted to post a couple of pictures. Hopefully others will post here after tomorrow's lessons. I took Erick in for a longlining lesson. Here are some pics of Erick. I have been driving him with the lines through the turrets but Jeff had me...
  10. Dream

    Name Help.?

    He can still be Zorro around the barn and have a completely unrelated registered name. If you do change it don't worry about the point series. The secretary is a tough lady but I think I have some pull with her : For the record my vote is for Mark of Zorro. it's a neat name.
  11. Dream

    Show Us How They've Grown

    Ok...Here's what I have of Erick (JEM Nite Dancer) 1 month old (the photo I bought him from) 6 Months old (the first day after he arrived from Manitoba) 10 months old pre clip 10 Months post clip (finally seeing what I bought): 16 months old 2 years old (haven't dragged the bf...
  12. Dream

    What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

    Thanks Dona! To be honest I dabbled with balding Erick's muzzle this year but I'm terrible at it and won't be doing it again :o He is first and foremost my driving horse...the halter classes are just for fun and to work on his manners until he's old enough to drive. Jill, I put him in colour...
  13. Dream

    What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

    Thanks! I have decided Erick it a grulla/grullo. He has a dorsal stripe. I think he has an average head so I'll have to play around with the untucked look and see what I think.
  14. Dream

    What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

    Here is Erick tucked... Is it the right look for him? Sorry I don't have an untucked picture. Thanks Jill! I will have a great time I'm sure. The MHCO has been working hard on this sanctioned show for the past year and it's at a great facility.
  15. Dream

    What do you do with your forelocks in a show?

    When I started showing everyone tucked the forelock to the side and under the halter. I am seeing more and more horses at shows and in pictures where the forelock is left down. But I'm still tucking!!! Does that mean I am not cool? What is the way to go? What do you put in the hair if you...
  16. Dream

    Driving pictures

    Devon just sent me these lovely shots of me driving Tarrah at the MHCO driving trial. Here we are warming up for dressage. Tarrah finished second in the trial overall. Thanks Devon!
  17. Dream


    Devon I think you should DRIVE him in the clinic this weekend. There is no better time to work on what you are worried about than with an experienced driver right there on the ground to help. Good idea to share your concerns and negative experiences with Jeff at the beginning. See you there!
  18. Dream

    Driving pictures

    This is Abegweit's Tarrah. She is 29.5 inches tall and 19 years old. I first trained her to drive about 3 years ago and it only took 3 days! She has heaves and it was poorly controlled at that time so we stopped driving her. This year I was itching to drive something so I pulled her of the...
  19. Dream

    Roll Call: AMHR Show Ontario 3 Judge.

    We'll be there with JEM Nite Dancer, Abegweit's Tarrah and Kateland's Redrock. We're expecting a great turnout...77 horses I believe!
  20. Dream

    Can I see Pictures of Really fine boned yearlings, please?

    His daddy was exactly the same way as a youngster and finally put on some body as a 3 and 4 year old. VERY handsome fella! Thanks Lori! I will hold out some hope that he'll bulk up a bit :bgrin