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  1. C

    Are Your Milk Strips Accurate??

    I just used Milk Strips for the first time and the test results are color coordinated from Green (not close) to Orange (foaling within 12 hours). My mare's results tested between a dark brownish orange and orange. I am to assume by these results, that she will foal within 24-36 hours. Along...
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    GOOD MORNING FORUM FAMILYYYYY!!!!!!, sung in the

    I know you've been waiting for a long time now. How many days is the today??
  3. C

    Is the vulva color the actual "true" sign of impending labor & delivery?

    My mare, at 316 days has 1) Mushy Butt, 2) Dropped, 3) Increasing Size of Bag. Her vulva is a light pink. Is the true sign of impending labor when the vulva gets dark purplish/magenta? Can she deliver if the vulva is still light pink? I check her every morning and evening.
  4. C

    Suggestions on a good book about raising a foal??

    Thanks Millie...what I mean by inappropriate behavior is that she will be mouthy with my pants and then rear up a little. I thought that was meant to be a little dominating, so I gently pushed her back, and then turned my back on her. Was that okay?
  5. C

    Suggestions on a good book about raising a foal??

    I totally agree that this forum is indespensible, but as a reader, I like to indulge myself. I've heard of Blessed are the Brood Mares. Didn't know about the "Foals". I'll hunt that one down. I just have so many daily questions and I feel like a dork constantly asking people on this site...
  6. C

    Good Morning!

    Foxy.... How many days is your Foxy?? My mare Hopi is at day 314, has had a mushy butt for 2 weeks, she has a bag and just a little color beginning in her vulva. My other mare foaled at day 325 and she showed no other sign than a bag that doubled in size in 2 days. I guess there's just no...
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    Suggestions on a good book about raising a foal??

    Can anyone suggest a good book about raising a foal? I researched and read for a year about "having" the foal, but now need help with raising and training her. I have questions every day as each day she does new and exciting things. I'd like to learn about her behavior and whether it's...
  8. C

    Foal Question...again!

    My new foal (9 days) looks like she's trying to eat some of mom's hay. Is this dangerous or is she just playing around with it? I don't know if it can get stuck in her throat? Any thoughts here??
  9. C

    Does anyone watch babies after........

    We watch ours constantly! I adore watching mom show her the "way" of the herd. We don't watch TV anymore. We just watch our foals!
  10. C

    Mommy Mare Questions????

    Thanks to all! I've upped her hay and am now giving her mare & foal (1cup in AM and 1cup in PM) and added a mineral block which she now likes. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again!
  11. C

    Mommy Mare Questions????

    My mare foaled 8 days ago and she's rubbing her butt against the chain-link fence pretty verociously. She's also scratching her head and neck on the stall. I gave her ivermectrin about 3-4 weeks before foaling and again right after birth. I've cleaned her vulva area also. Is this something...
  12. C

    An update for those that are wondering,....

    Hey Foxy... How ironic that I find your post this afternoon. I've been busy with our new little one and was wondering how you and your Foxy have been. This was my first time and I have to tell you... and it may sound weird, but the anticipation, excitement, exhileration, joyfulness, and a...
  13. C

    Another New Foal Question!!

    Thanks to all. Makes sense. Regarding the mares itchy butt, neck and head....I did worm her about 2 weeks before delivery and then right after delivery. What else can I do?
  14. C

    Another New Foal Question!!

    I thought so! I told my husband that this was the Circle of Life!
  15. C

    Another New Foal Question!!

    Is it normal that a new foal (4 days old) will eat her mom's poop? I've caught my little filly with a nugget on two occasions. Kinda gross! Also...Mom is still rubbing her butt, head and neck on anything available. Is this normal? Thanks, Karen
  16. C

    New Foal Questions

    Thanks for all the opinions and suggestions. You all are great. I did go ahead and let mommy & baby in the turn-out with my other pregnant mare and all was fine. There were a few confusing moments when baby thought Hopi was her mommy and wanted to nurse. Hopi just lifted her leg and pushed...
  17. C

    New Foal Questions

    Thanks for all the info on new foals. I have other questions that might help other newbies.....My mare is generous and not overly protective of her filly around people or my dogs. What about another mare due very soon. They are stable mates and Tacoma, my mare who foaled on Thursday, has...
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    How Much Time Spent With Foal?? that I have the coveted little much time should I be spending with her. She's now 48 hrs old and doing great. I don't want to interfere with her mommy & me time, but I can't get enough of being with her. How much time is healthy people-time??
  19. C

    New Foal Color

    :aktion033: Very Funny!!!! Thanks, I needed the giggle.
  20. C

    Strawberry lost her baby last night

    OooooH! I'm so very sorry for your loss! My little filly was born yesterday and if I hadn't invested in the webcam so I could view her at work, I think that she would have been destined for the same fate. The foal alert system with webcam and monitoring system were well worth the investment...