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  1. A

    I got a pair of Nubian Goats

    Thanks everyone, I'll try the coat trick. They did better today even played and napped. I watch them from the screen house and they seem to be getting braver. Yes, they are bottle babies. I got them for my 1 month old colt to ween him with when its time. Sales are slow and I figure Wyatt...
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    I got a pair of Nubian Goats

    I bought a pair of Nubian goats on Saturday. They are aproximately 5 months old, wethered and dehorned. They are very sweet boys, but when I leave them one starts blatting so loud I'm afraid my neighbors will complain. If I go in the house, its starts. I can't stay with them 24/7, got to p**...
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    Going off from another Thread

    Count me in too. I have a spinal fusion at L5S1 (birth defect), 3 compression fractured vertabra a dislocated rib damaged my bladder nerve and lower back and right leg nerve damage (riding accident 2 yrs ago), bulging disc in my neck C5 and my right shoulder and arm all have tissue and ligament...
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    NbarH Results

    Congratulations to you both. :aktion033: I miss showing at NbarH this year, but hope to show again next year. It's a great place to practice showing, people are so helpful. It may not be rated but it's a great group of people and it's loads of fun. Lee
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    We had a baby!

    Thank you. I just love him, he's fiesty! His color doesn't come out well in the picture, I don't know what it is! Wyatt is all legs, nice and straight. Tonite we let Patty and Wyatt outside for a bit of fresh air. He was flying around tail in the air, what a site. Patty is a great mom...
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    We had a baby!

    We here at Maineland Farm are pleased to announce the birth of our first mini foal. It's a boy! :aktion033: He arrived early Wensday and Mom Patty and baby Wyatt are doing great. Wow, talk about nervous, happy, scared all at the same time but it all worked out well. I hope the picture comes...
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    Help with sick chicks

    I've lost 3 out of 4 chicks this week. They seem to have an upper respiratory illness, I can hear the congestion. Is there any way to save my last chick? I feel so badly watching them suffer. Any help greatly accepted. Lee
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    Raining again or still?

    :lol: Isn't that the truth! I'm so tired of all the rain! It's just like last year, wet wet wet. Hang in there......... it's got to get better (right?) Another wet Mainer Lee
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    305 days

    All I know is that she did have a foal once before. It died after hitting its head. I don't know how many days she went with that pregnancy. LisaF might know. She is making a bag and it's getting bigger every day, and has been rolling alot. I haven't tried to get any milk from her yet, might...
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    305 days

    My mare Patty is 305 days along. She's been restless, rolls at nite, has dropped so her upper flanks are indented. Just now I saw the foal kicking in her butt muscles, that means its in the canal right. Does it means she's close? This is my first mini foal so I'm nervous and a bit scared...
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    First show

    I'm so sorry I didnt come and meet everyone. It was something I was looking forward to. My back has gotten worse, so I couldnt make it. I'm not showing at all this year Jen, will the club have a dvd to purchase of the clinic? Lee
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    Medical Help....Sciatic Nerve?

    I had so much pain after my riding accident, that they gave me a shot directly into the lining of the nerve. Hurt like heck but its worked for a year now. They couldnt guarantee how long it would last. I think they only do the shot for chronic problems though. See a neurologist if it doesnt...
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    While on the subject of giving their own shots

    Isn't the single dose syringe for a full size horse? How many minis can you get from one syringe? Lee
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    Soooo excited

    I can't wait until mothers day. It will be a great day. First, my filly Snip will be three that day. She's such a love bug. And the best of all: My daughter is coming home from the Army for good!!! She has served her duty and is being discharged. I'm so happy :aktion033: She served 3...
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    Question about taking an AMHR permanent

    Good questions. I'd like to know too. Also do you have to be a current member to go perm and also to register foals? Lee
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    Hope in the next two months

    I'm waiting for our first mini foal. Not due until June 22, but boy I'm excited already. Wishing all a happy and safe late foaling season. Lee
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    Something wonderful happened

    That is wonderful news. Tell him congratulations from me, I too have a ADHD son and know how hard it is. It is so much more difficult for these kids, and when they succeed like your son it is pure joy. :aktion033: Lee
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    "What Not To Wear" the TV show

    I love that show too! But I have to say if they gave me $5000 it sure wouldn't be spent on fancy clothes. I'd probably re-sell all the stuff and put the money into the barn. I've gained so much weight since my accident that I hate shopping. I don't want to look like a kid, but I'm not 80...
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    Let's see YOU!!!

    Here I am with my two grand daughters, Emma and Allison a few weeks ago. I was exhausted that day, not a good picture. And me and Snip two years ago. Lee
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    Let's see YOU!!!

    Here I am with my two grand daughters, Emma and Allison a few weeks ago. I was exhausted that day, not a good picture. And me and Snip two years ago. Lee