We've had various vets give them all over. Last year out of three shots he insisted on giving one in each pectoral and then the other in the neck in both Arabs and the mini. Bad idea, they all reacted to the Tetanus for some reason and the mini's chest got so swollen he refused to walk for three days. Ouch!
The theory was that the pectorals would drain easier if something abscessed but that just seems like a bad place to me. This year's vet gave a shot under the curve of the buttock on each side and then the last shot in the neck. He was really good, I was
watching and I didn't even see him give the first shots! The horses loved this guy.
: The general agreement these days is that top of the quarters is bad, if it abscesses you are in major trouble. Neck is usually fine but can cause problems eating or drinking if they have a major reaction and don't want to move their necks, lower hindquarters is good too without that risk.
Spyder had a small bump on his left hiney but no soreness and Kody (the mini) seems a little sore but no bumps and is willing to walk around on his own.
I could have given them myself but both horses needed a spring checkup anyway and it's just a habit to have a vet do it. Expensive, but oh well! It's once a year and I've only got the two. Compared to the dentist who's coming on Friday, the shots were cheap.