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  1. J

    Virginia horse (animal) owners

    We just had an incident of several cows being killed in the next town over from us. Turned out it was a couple of teenagers. I certainly hope this isn't the latest craze in teenage acting out behaviors. It is scary what some of the people in this world are doing for sheer entertainment. What is...
  2. J

    Urgent - mare acting strangely - EPM?

    Luckily I have not personally had to deal with it, but my first thought was also ulcers. When you talked about her hind end being all that was covered in mud and that she seemed to lean into the stall wall with her butt I was picturing her as "dog sitting" The say two common positions for a...
  3. J

    Had a little scare this morning but

    We live right on a highway so anytime anyone sees a horse loose they assume it's ours. But a few years ago, someone came up the drive and said they saw a horse running down a side road with it's bridle on. I asked if they'd seen a rider. No-they hadn't even checked. I loaded up some grain and a...
  4. J

    Getting a horse to show its neck

    Loco, I want to be careful not to wander too far off Kay's neck question, but since the feet are the first part LOL. What I personally would do if I asked for a hind left and got any other foot would be to release the pressure because they did try, but I would calmly and quietly say no. I would...
  5. J

    Getting a horse to show its neck

    Loco, if you have not had any experience in "setting" a horse. One of the first hings I'd practice with is just getting the horse to move any foot you ask without having to touch them. Again, maybe someone will come along again and explain what I mean in a bit LOL (thanks Vertical : ) But I'll...
  6. J

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY KAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought about flowers I thought about money but this year all your gettin' is a- Happy Birthday Honey! Thanks "Hon" for all the good work you do!
  7. J

    Getting a horse to show its neck

    OK, I know I'll slaughter this explanation but I'll try anyway. Firstly, I agree with Erica that some horses are just more capable of it than others. But the biggest problem I see (and NO I don't claim to be an expert or to do it right myself all the time) is that people don't set their horse up...
  8. J

    opinions please....

    Thanks Kay, I hadn't seen this one. I knew I read somewhere that Larry was having a driving clinic at his place, but hadn't heard about Lennie's. It's too bad it all has to be a one day ordeal though. I know it's hard for some to get away for more than a day, but so much more could be learned...
  9. J

    opinions please....

    Well, I've been sitting around feeling tired and sore for too many days and the brain starts having too much to think about LOL. But i was thinking about Larry Parnell's driving clinics and had a thought. In the Arabian world, there is a very well known and respected breeder named Bazy...
  10. J

    Just a simple poll for all miniature horse owners

    Well, I don't want to be disagreeable, but my dislike for the expert choice came from saying you had mastered "all" of any discipline. I do feel there are experts out there, but I doubt there are many people in any field that know "all" of even their chosen discipline. I chose the advanced...
  11. J

    tack vendor

    I had the pleasure of meeting and doing business with this gentleman this summer and I have to say he was WONDERFUL to visit with and buy from.
  12. J

    Old Pony Journals (amhr magazines)

    Hey Kay, I haven't been on for several days and just happened to pop in tonight and saw this post. I am so glad to see you liked those. I told you they were pretty cool. Hope everyone bids well for you. I know as I was browsing through them I saw some pics and history on some big names. It is so...
  13. J

    Agent for seller

    Well, I am helping a friend sell her horse, but we have a lot different deal going so I won't bore you with how we're doing things, but I might suggest that you ask her what she feels she is supposed to do. In my personal opinion, I would expect an agent to handle all of the physical work...
  14. J

    Question on your perception for a stallion to drop

    Well, I am by no means an expert on here, but the colts I've had born -the first thing I do after seeing that everything else was phsically ok, is to feel for testicles. I personally want them dropped for two reasons, First, if I had a colt I thought should be a breeder I'm either 1) going to...
  15. J


    I have rubber mats, but I still use shavings for 3 main reasons. 1) The mats by themselves or with straw can be very slick at times. 2) Bedding helps keep the smell to a minimum 3) If a person has a horse in a stall for long periods(mine are out more times than not) or has a horse that lays...
  16. J

    what do you think?

    Well, my opinion is only partially educated LOL, but I feel the bloodlines have a big part in this. When in-breeding and strong line breeding were used in the Arab world. They were specifically trying to solidify certain features(as well as preserve certai lines). In other words if they loved...
  17. J

    Ammy poll for amhr

    Yes Susanne I think you did an excellent job of stating your point. Even in our 4-H level, I would like to see a true backyard horse/pony owners class. Some of these kids truly do all their own work as the most the parents are willing to do is pay for the hobby, they want no part in the...
  18. J

    Ammy poll for amhr

    OK, I guess I'm just in a cranky mood today but for all who have said it would just make for too many classes....we could always get rid of a few that are geared more toward the open or professionals Seriously though. Suppose you got the bright idea you wanted to drive race cars. Do you truly...
  19. J

    Ammy poll for amhr

    Well, since it seems that the people who agree with Kay are the one's that need their flame suits on, I'll go get mine. I do feel it would be a great idea to have a tighter AOTE class. By tighter I mean horse has never been with a professional and owner has never paid a professional to coach...
  20. J

    I have a real mystery in the barn!

    could it be that something in the water has changed? I know when we run the well dry, the water tastes like rust for a couple days. I read a story in a magazine one time about a family whose horses probably saved them. The horses all started getting diarrhea and they weren't sure why, but when...