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  1. J

    Rabbitsfizz I figured out WHY he is skinney

    The running from pile to pile is very much a stallion trait !!!! Did they have proof they gelded him???? I have a friend who bought a "gelding" and his coggins papers even said gelding. Guess again. He's had him for at least a year and no extra bumps if you know what I mean. Well, this summer he...
  2. J

    Rabbitsfizz I figured out WHY he is skinney

    I guess I had two thought here, probably neither is correct, but something to consider. The first is that he had a favorite buddy back where he came from and he is continuing to "look" for his buddy, hoping he'll be coming along any minute. Although I can see where the proud cut theory could...
  3. J

    I really messed up this time...

    Feather, I just wanted to let you know that you have made me take a hard look at my own parenting. I could see your situation from two sides, but hadn't really thought about the third view. "I" could see how "I" felt about your situation as a parent, "I" could remember how "I" felt to be a teen...
  4. J

    question about a man at the High Hopes Auction

    I don't know what the guys name was and it may not be the same guy, but when I was at a sale in MO, there was a guy who was buying up a lot of the cheap stuff and he had a BIG trailer. He was from somewhere in or near Mexico (no not Mexico MO. !) My husband asked him what he did with that many...
  5. J

    I really messed up this time...

    I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but maybe this will be the turning point in your relationship. Sometimes, unfortunately, it takes an awful thing happening to bring people closer. I agree with the others that it was a breech of privacy for your mom to read your writings. I also know...
  6. J

    Making my own stall name plaques, but how?

    Marty, I'm not even sure I'd want to know how you managed to try to burn yourself a new nostril. That calls up some pretty starnge images in my wierd little mind. I'm working on my signs today so when I get them done I'll post, they are going to be nice and simple and somewhat plain, but...
  7. J

    Neglected Mini

    Well, if he hasn't cared for them any better than this then my suggestion may be pointless, but I'll offer it anyway. I agree with the others that abrupt weaning may not be a good idea at this point due to their present state of health, so maybe, if you asked the owner he would be willing to...
  8. J

    Hypothetical question for those with AMHR/ASPC

    I do agree with the less but better theory I just feel "comfortable" at the level I am now. I only have 1 stallion and two mares, one of which is on lease. (I have 5 horses total -a couple others are to play around with, but I'm talking breeding stock) The first foal more than paid for the mare...
  9. J

    Hypothetical question for those with AMHR/ASPC

    Thanks Lyn!!! I just really needed to be frightened a little more LOL, I've always found that I have Cadilac taste, I just wish I didn't have a Yugo budget I swear everytime I see anything I like, it's always the top notch stuff and hubby just doesn't understand these things. Now if I...
  10. J

    Hypothetical question for those with AMHR/ASPC

    Wow, I knew everyone said there was a decent market for them. I'd reckon so. I imagine if someone decided to look into these. They'd probably not only be divorced, but would probably have heart troubles too from sticker shock recovery LOL. They sure are nice to look at though. I hadn't given...
  11. J

    Hypothetical question for those with AMHR/ASPC

    OK, Hypothetically here......Just suppose someone had the wild and crazy idea to try to get a Shetland/mini cross mare. Nice enough to be a show/broodmare, but gentle with kids...... what do you suppose that someone would need to expect price wise and where would be some recommended farms for...
  12. J


    Goodness, I am not usually fond of a lot of color, but when I saw this guy all I could do was go I will go pick my jaw off the floor now and wipe up the drool thank you very much
  13. J

    Help me decide

    How 'bout CLKER 1 I CLK 1 CLKTRNR I don't know how it is for you, but here I think it's almost $100 to have a vanity plate with no number. If you put in a number, it's about half that. Funny story about personalized plates. We call our farm It'll Do because that what most of our stuff is...
  14. J

    question on falling leaves ?

    I believe red maples may be toxic after the leaf dies and falls from the tree as well. Also watch your water sources as some leaves may have toxins which could leak out into the water as well, so even if you clean the leaves out of the tank, the toxin is still there.
  15. J

    Could use some input on Shetlands

    Thank you all for your input. The Shetlands are undeniably beautiful. I may have to study up on the lines a bit and break my own rules Not sure if I should add a smiley or a shame on me emoticon so I guess I'll leave it blank LOL. Oh and nice horses Lyn Lewella. I had to laugh. I own a 38"...
  16. J

    Could use some input on Shetlands

    Well, I have to tell you I am totally discombobulated and could use some input. I am in no hurry to do anything right away. But if I change my breeding stock, I am toying with the idea of the Shetland infusion. Here's the problem. In one way, I am with the group that feels that a shetland and a...
  17. J


    OK, somebody might have been feeding me a line of bull, but I ran into this gal here near me. It turns out she had bought the mother of my mare and we started visiting. She claims that when Boone's Little Buckeroo was born, he was actually sickly and she helped Lowell put him in a big dog crate...
  18. J

    Tried braggin before but my site was down

    I knew my horses were easy going, but I wasn't sure if I should bring the foal out or not. She stood like an old pro and my stallion loves kids. He tolerates so much from both 2 legged and 4 legged kids. It may not work forever, but right now, we usually take the mare to another pasture and let...
  19. J

    Tried braggin before but my site was down

    I'm sure no one remembers, but I bragged about how good my two were for theday care that came. I finally got my website fixed so I can SHOW you how good they were. As I said before, they may not be perfect in many ways, but they sure make up for it in other ways. Just in case you forgot...