He is like the energyzer bunny that keeps going and going and going!
The pony barely has walk programed in, every where he goes he trots. He wont even stop to eat, he grabs a bite and bugs every one, or paces and then grabs a bite and runs all over like a mad man then comes back grabs a bite and paces the fence and so on. I let him in with Molly and Image for the first time this morning and as usuall, Boss Molly came running at him ears pinned but he just reared up squeeled and bucked at her - Shockingly the little fart is the boss, (Or trying to be) he sticks Molly in a corner if she comes at him mean (Cant say as I blame him, just shocked, most dont try to cross her even the first time) And for the record he is not the least bit pushy or mean with the others, just gets after Molly for being a ***** to him
He reminds me of my German Shepherd, keeping tabs on EVERYHTING like the world will come to a crashing halt if he isnt sure where every one is at every second. But he runs him self up and down the fence so much he was soaking in sweat when it was 45 degrees this morning! When I put them "to bed" last night he was spinning in circles & screaming - I dont think the boy ever just stops.
I tried to take him for a walk yesterday after noon and let Rodeo follow so he wasnt alone and its like he cant even concentrate, he just looks around and trys to go where ever he wants (trotting of corse) and spins when he rememebers he is on a lead - I told him he must be a crack pony.
I tied him up yesterday and he some how managed to get him self all tangled up and on the ground in a knot while I went in the barn for 2 seconds to get a brush because he simply does not stop moving. He is always breathing hard like a horse who just ran a race because he doesnt stop moving.
Any ideas? I dont think its because he is new and just moved here, Im sure this is how he normaly is, how do you teach a horse to just s-l-o-w down? I cant even get his attention on me long enough to hold still for 30 seconds or walk rather then trot on lead for 30 seconds - he is completly in another time zone. He comes right up all happy for attention then forgets what he is doing after 5 seconds and he takes off trotting again! You bring hay out and he eats like he is starved for about 30 seconds and he is off trotting again and only comes back for a quick mouthfull every so often.
Would total seperation of all the other horses be a good idea to get him to settle down or would that make him go more nuts? Maybe Im just to used to my horses who dont move unless there is food involved and they HAVE to walk to get it.
The pony barely has walk programed in, every where he goes he trots. He wont even stop to eat, he grabs a bite and bugs every one, or paces and then grabs a bite and runs all over like a mad man then comes back grabs a bite and paces the fence and so on. I let him in with Molly and Image for the first time this morning and as usuall, Boss Molly came running at him ears pinned but he just reared up squeeled and bucked at her - Shockingly the little fart is the boss, (Or trying to be) he sticks Molly in a corner if she comes at him mean (Cant say as I blame him, just shocked, most dont try to cross her even the first time) And for the record he is not the least bit pushy or mean with the others, just gets after Molly for being a ***** to him

He reminds me of my German Shepherd, keeping tabs on EVERYHTING like the world will come to a crashing halt if he isnt sure where every one is at every second. But he runs him self up and down the fence so much he was soaking in sweat when it was 45 degrees this morning! When I put them "to bed" last night he was spinning in circles & screaming - I dont think the boy ever just stops.
I tried to take him for a walk yesterday after noon and let Rodeo follow so he wasnt alone and its like he cant even concentrate, he just looks around and trys to go where ever he wants (trotting of corse) and spins when he rememebers he is on a lead - I told him he must be a crack pony.
I tied him up yesterday and he some how managed to get him self all tangled up and on the ground in a knot while I went in the barn for 2 seconds to get a brush because he simply does not stop moving. He is always breathing hard like a horse who just ran a race because he doesnt stop moving.
Any ideas? I dont think its because he is new and just moved here, Im sure this is how he normaly is, how do you teach a horse to just s-l-o-w down? I cant even get his attention on me long enough to hold still for 30 seconds or walk rather then trot on lead for 30 seconds - he is completly in another time zone. He comes right up all happy for attention then forgets what he is doing after 5 seconds and he takes off trotting again! You bring hay out and he eats like he is starved for about 30 seconds and he is off trotting again and only comes back for a quick mouthfull every so often.
Would total seperation of all the other horses be a good idea to get him to settle down or would that make him go more nuts? Maybe Im just to used to my horses who dont move unless there is food involved and they HAVE to walk to get it.