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  1. F

    Update on our preemie colt

    One of my month old babies got the squirts and I gave her a 60 cc syringe of plain yogurt for 2 days and it is gone. Maybe that will help with that part.... April
  2. F

    ROLL CALL!!!!

    Well all packed up and ready to go!! I will leave after work tomorrow. Going to bath the monster there so I can use their hot H2O. Gas has been going DOWN all week. Just went down to 3.07 before I left town - was 3.09 this AM. Hope it stays long enough for me to fill up in the morning on my way...
  3. F

    ROLL CALL!!!!

    I wish I could find someone to go with me and share the cost.... I am hoping that I can byt the time the July shows rolls around. Dont believe I will be going to the Carthage one. Just cant handle the moolah is is taking... although I DID find gas for the bargain basement price of 3.15 yesterday...
  4. F

    Electric fencing?

    I have no fuses or a battery in mine but it is at least 5 years old... maybe closer to 7. It is holding my stud in and the cows away from my trailer!!! I have went through 3 in my life. This one has far outlasted the others. They where the Red Snapper ones.... not sure what this one is but I...
  5. F

    ROLL CALL!!!!

    Whos all going???? I AM!!! I was going to go to the one in Carthage also but the price of gas may keep me home. Anyone not going due to gas??? April
  6. F

    Does any of this look like Fescue?

    I see clover and not sure what the one seed head is but it is NOT fescue.... I live in fescue country!!! April
  7. F

    How to you keep track of your horses

    I have always wondered myself how TONY keeps track of all of his 200+ horses.. April
  8. F

    Happy Happy Joy Joy...

    Thanks guys! I have been on cloud nine ALL DAY!! I ordered it the first of April.... I cant wait to get her dirty! If you noticed I had to be different and put the gates on the oposite side as everyone else LOL... I got this thing about horses heads being near the traffic side of the trailer...
  9. F

    Happy Happy Joy Joy...

    A few months ago I asked to see some custom pics of trailers so I could give it to the trailer guy to order me a custom stock trailer.... well I finally got it today!!! happy dance happy dance.... Tha last pic is of the escape door... It has a bar across it so nothing can come out... and the...
  10. F


    I work at a vet clinic and we got a horse in the other day that was about a 600 pound yearling UNBROKE filly that had a cut on her leg.... first time to have a halter on was THAT DAY... the owners where not happy with how she came of the trailer and was really unhappy about her first halter...
  11. F

    Roll Call for SMLEC show in Belleville, IL 5/12-13/07

    Im a member now of SMLEC... this will be my first show as a memebr.... I went to the July 4th one last year which was my first ever... man have a learned a lot since... where you at the clinic that was put on in Rogersville??? LOVED IT. April
  12. F

    What do your vets charge?

    A regular gelding here is 150 to 200 (large horse) .... you dont even want to talk CRYPT. But I also work for my vet LOL so I get discounts... Rabies are 2.50 and Prestige 5 is 12.50 I think..... so it pays to have the job I do. I just got a colic surgery done on a 100 pound yearling and it only...
  13. F

    Roll Call for SMLEC show in Belleville, IL 5/12-13/07

    Im going to the one In Columbia May 26 27... getting very excited about it..... April
  14. F

    When showing only one horse...

    I look at it as "they will get over it" too.... I really dont mind her running the round pen.... maybe it will work off her belly LOL. I have been working with her, but with the other horses in the pen (round pen is in the middle of a dry lot) Maybe I should work with her more without them...
  15. F

    When showing only one horse...

    Well sounds like she gets to go on her own then!! I figured she will get over it... you should see the round pen where she paces while the others are out.... April
  16. F

    When showing only one horse...

    Im not completly sure how she will act. When I turn the others out and she is in the round pen she yells and hollers the whole time. I kinda figure she will act the same with or without a buddy.... April
  17. F

    Anyone have trouble with cattle panels?

    I use cattle and hog panels also electric and barbed wire..... I dont care what kind of fencing you use... if a horse can hurt themselves they will...... The hog are my favorite. You can run a strand of electris over the top and make a very good stud pen..... April
  18. F

    When showing only one horse...

    I was goin gto show 2 this year, but after the clinic I went to decided agaist it because I will NOT have enough time to devote to 2 of them : Also the one I was going to also take had colic surgery on the 15th so he will not be going anywhere due to the fact I dont want to stress him..... I...
  19. F

    hey, anybody from Mansfield ,Hartville area of Mo?

    Not much you can do with ANYTHING when it comes to tornados. That one that went through in March took a whole herd of QH... all that was left was the tore up WELDED PIPE fence. At the time they couldnt find them, but I havent hear much else. The Croney family that lost the little girl lost...
  20. F

    hey, anybody from Mansfield ,Hartville area of Mo?

    I dont live far from Mansfiled about an hour..... That is around an Amish settlement. Seymour is where that is at. You will see them going up and down the side of the Highway...... Very pretty farm country... Our biggest thing is the tornados. And we have a lot of scares with about 3 to 5 really...