The show is being held at Arch View Stables in Belleville, IL next Saturday and Sunday. It's one of the 4 shows put on by our local AMHR club, Show Me Little Equine Club, for 2007.
My stalls will be in the last row (farthest away from the ring) next to Royal T Farm's stalls. If you're there and I don't know you by sight, PLEASE stop me and say Hello! It's really nice to put a face with the name!
We're taking Corona
: and Sera,
: our two main show horses for this year, plus Echo our 2 yr old stallion :new_shocked: . And last but not least, Buck, our modern pleasure pony who will be shown by Bob Roudebush, Jr. Actually, by the time of the show, Buck will be owned by Bobby!! :aktion033:
: and her perlino filly, Lily
: , will be there also. Not to show, but they are going home with Laura Tennill from Ten L Training because Puddin' is going to be bred to Laura's Reserve World Champion 28" stallion Ten Ls Echo's Captive Spirit!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
So, please say Hi! :saludando:
My stalls will be in the last row (farthest away from the ring) next to Royal T Farm's stalls. If you're there and I don't know you by sight, PLEASE stop me and say Hello! It's really nice to put a face with the name!
We're taking Corona


So, please say Hi! :saludando: