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  1. T

    Big Lick revisited

    I would like to know where this topic is, if someone can direct me there. I show padded performance horses ( I have 6 right now) and would love to see this. I for one, will attest that there are SOME who are not sored.
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    Stolen Tractor

    Thanks so much Freida, that means a lot to me, we had security lights installed, and having one at the home farm. This is our farm that we dont live on. We think we know who did it, as he went to the dealership and ordered the key to it. But I dont understand law enforcement, they havent...
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    Bluegrass Miniature Horse Sale

    I go every year, and it is very enjoyable, but you are right, the prices have dropped in the past couple of years. I am more of a buyer than seller, so it doesnt bother me, as much as if I were the consigner. They also have a sale in Shelbyville in the fall each year, someone else puts it on...
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    Stolen Tractor

    I just wanted to update everyone, who was kind enough to write. A local farmer, on Monday, went to the tractor dealership where this tractor was purchased in December; He ordered a 5455 Massey key. The nerve of some people. The man that owned the dealership has called, and filled out a...
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    Stolen Tractor

    I just thought that maybe, just maybe, posting this might help. We had a Massey Ferguson tractor, model 5455 ( 4 x 4 tractor bright red, big tires, cab with front end loader) stolen on 2/2/06. Serial Number on the tractor is P188067. It is a 2005 model, and brand new. We had it on our farm...
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    No U.S. Passports Required!

    We have come into Canada on several occasions in the last few years , with nothing more than a drivers license (although I always had my birth certificate) . We always cross in Buffalo, as I have a friend there. I didnt know you had to have a passport for travel in and out of Canada.
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    How do you look for Dwarfs in Pedigree?

    Isnt Husseler, King Supremes Sire? And wouldnt it be a shame, if he were never bred, look at the amount OF GREAT offspring, he has thrown. I always admired him, and although , never saw him in person, never considered him dwarfy. I also got the pleasure of seeing Bond Bulldog later in his...
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    Hi Everyone!

    Hello, from your neighbor. I live on Hwy 68 near Shakertown, just across the river from Jessamine County, in Mercer County. I have loads of minis, and also show Tennessee Walking Horses. If you are ever in Harrodsburg, come by. I would love to meet you. Your minis are very pretty.
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    Ever hear of any of these horses?

    Timber Ridges Farm is in middle Tennessee. One of the true foundation breeders. I dont think Danny has a website, but his horses are very nice, and he is very well respected in miniatures. He breeds loads of overos and tovero horses. I always like anything from Timber Ridge.
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    Help with Choosing

    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, and their input. We picked out the breed (GSP) , and since these dogs were several hours away, we had our vet recommend a vet in their area to inspect the puppies. He made the choice for us, and now we are the proud owner of a German Shorthair...
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    Weird Names in your family

    Weird names, try out these. My great uncle, Napolean Bonaparte Stratton, another uncle, Andrew Jackson Stratton, and my grandfather, Get this, Abraham Lincoln Stratton. Now there are others, but all along those lines.
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    Help with Choosing

    No, thank you minimama. I am soaking all this up. This is a gift ( might add, my husband is much tighter that I am spending money) and when I find a litter I am interested in , Ill let him go with me. Ill actually let him pick out his own pup from the litter. I found the lewellin setters...
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    Help with Choosing

    I have been looking for a few weeks. So far, I have looked at a llewelin setter, from a hunting dog owner that was recommended from a trainer at the hunting preserve my husband goes to every year. Good looking dogs, and might add, very expensive dogs, but a very reputable owner. Then last...
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    Help with Choosing

    I dont post too often, but I am having a dilema, and I thought, lb forums. I am looking for a pet/hunting companion for my husband. He has been thinking about this for some time, and wants to bird hunt more. We live in central ky,a nd there are quail, grouse, and dove to hunt. He also goes...
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    Your pet's Christmas

    That tickles me, at our house we just had Stanley Eugene's first birthday party ( he is my half chihuaha/half terrier) . He had human and doggie guests, treats, his own chicken dinner, (take out of course, I dont cook), presents, and of course, a new outfit. I dont have kids, so my dogs are...
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    Anyone here have Lasik done?

    I had it done last year about this time, and would I do it again, YES> I actually did a lot of research,a nd found a doctor with a wonderful reputation. I drove 4 hours, to Columbus to have it done, spent the night, was the first one done at 8 a.m. had to stay till the following day for a...
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    How much money do you spend

    We have both big and small horses, but most of our show horses are full size now. We used to show several minis, but now only have one out as the costs are so high. We actually pay more (in the end) to show minis, than full size horses. My Tennessee Walking horse trainer ( who has 4 on full...
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    I think she is a lovely mare, and congratulations, on your new addition. I know how exciting it is to get something new, and wish you the best with your new foal in the spring.
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    Rescue Horses

    I want to go to this sale, is there any way you can post the information. Got a heads up on a bunch going through, and I am interested in a few of them. thanks for any help
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    kicking myself for not bidding!

    I may have bought the mare you are talking about, was she a deep red tovero pinto. If so, pm me, and we can talk about it. The one i bougth came from a lady in mississipi. She is a really docile mare, and bred for 6 to a son of painted feather, does that sound like her.