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  1. mistyrose

    An Upcoming Show Question

    I have brought horses home from the World in October. They do not grow the same full thick coat if they are clipped after the main growth period. Since you can blanket all winter I would go ahead and clip her. Just don't expect to be able to take those blankets off until spring. Sometimes I can...
  2. mistyrose

    An Upcoming Show Question

    The answer to your question depends on what facilities you have available. If you clip her now she probably won't grow a good coat back. She will need to be inside and blanketed until spring. You have decide what is best for your mare. Honor Role won't mean much if you lose your horse.
  3. mistyrose

    Is anyone going to the World Show?

    Paul and I will be there. We have one horse with the Reece Family Miniatures in Sr mares 28 and under and a mare with Ashley Harris. Paul and I will be in AM level 2 together. He will drive the mare with Ashley and I will take pictures. We will be there all week since Loretta is doing something...
  4. mistyrose

    adding breeching

    If you buy a harness that is sold with or without breeching you can easily just order the breeching that matches that harness and it should be ready to go. When you start to use it a hill, your horse will have to learn how it feels and works. Try to go up and down some short slight hills first...
  5. mistyrose

    Really good movie out

    We saw the Illusionist last night. It stars Edward Norton. It was one of the best movies I've seen. We also got to see previews of Flicka. Different than the book but looks like it will be good.
  6. mistyrose


    I think some of the issue with the doubled registered horses is because miniatures are a height breed and we want to be a "real" breed. With the heights only we are not breeding towards a type just a height. The shetlands that look like hackneys are not the type that I (personally) want the...
  7. mistyrose

    Overweight mare

    We have a horse that was over weight and foundered. Following our vets instructions we put her on dirt and feed her only beet pulp ( no molasses). As the foot issue went away we added some hay. She lost about 50 lbs. We now after 4 months have her on hay and a mix of oats and strategy in a...
  8. mistyrose

    AMHA World Show Liberty Party

    I don't know what prizes that they are asking for. I know the amateur committee is looking for donations for door prizes during the amateur division. We will certainly be there for the liberty class party see you there. BTW we were across from you at a regionals at Roberts Arena years ago.
  9. mistyrose

    Biggest question asked and talked about at amhr natls

    I thought ASPC etc was affiliated with one of the major outfits? AHSA? I would say if they are everyone that is unhappy with measuring should write a letter and send it to ?AHSA? USEF? and also to all the directors. Truth is the directors are who has to fix the problems and they won't do it...
  10. mistyrose

    More prayers pls for Sherry Butler

    They are putting their horses up for sale due to Gregs health problems. If anyone is looking for a mini it wouldn't hurt to see what they have.
  11. mistyrose

    How many foals this year ?

    We had one mare lose a perlino colt late (280). We had three come up open after being checked in Dec. still in foal. We had 3 fillies and 1 colt in early spring. These will stay at least until I clip them out as yearlings. We just had a colt born on labor day. He and his dam are consigned to...
  12. mistyrose

    AMHA question

    It depends on the age of the horse. AMHA horses need to be brought permanant within 6 months of their 5th birthday. Pictures and updated height information needs to be sent with the papers along with a check. After 6 months the papers are revoked. They can be restored by sending the same items...
  13. mistyrose

    What are some of the biggest differences between

    Ohio had three AMHA shows in 2006. Two were in Springfield and the third was in Randolph. That is more than many states have. We also have two in Kentucky and at least one in Indiana hopefully two in 2007.
  14. mistyrose

    Anybody still on mare stare

    We just had one foal on Labor Day. We took her to someone to watch since wewere going out of town. I still haven't seen him. I have a mare bred on Feb 10th so I could be back on Mare stare in December.
  15. mistyrose

    Silver Buckskin / AMHA Registration

    Silver Dapple bay is what a silver bay really is. The horse is a black carrying two gene that modify the black color. One is the agouti gene which makes the horse bay. The second gene is the silver dapple gene which causes the light mane and tail. We call it a silver bay because its easier and...
  16. mistyrose

    Web Site Information

    We use Homestead at I do the web pages myself. It is a minimal cost and very easy to use.
  17. mistyrose


    Well I'm going to go to the Roberts sale which is in the same area and was announced first. They also have some really good horses and have done quite well at the World shows over the years.
  18. mistyrose

    Going off the "Conformation Discussion" thread...

    I had a mature mare go lame in the front right leg. We consulted several vets, rested her etc. Finally took her to OSU. They xrayed her and found a chip in the shoulder blade that was probably the result of a kick. There was nothing to be done but give it time. By the time she quit limping she...
  19. mistyrose

    If you owned this horse woudl you geld him?

    I would geld him. I agree with Frankie gelding Tom Cruise sounds like a great idea to me. Its not just conformation. Its attitude too! He would make a ok stallion but a dynamite gelding.