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  1. mistyrose

    AMHA 2007 Annual Meeting & Convention

    I will be arriving with sfmini on Wed until Monday. I have heard Vegas has gotten some snow. We haven't had more than a dusting this winter. Maybe I can get my snow fix in the desert. LOL I am on the Bylaw, Genetic and AOTE committees.
  2. mistyrose

    "Beginner" Classes at sanctioned shows

    You just need to let the show managers know you would like this class before the show is published. It is a sanctioned class in AMHA. It is just not offered at the regional(Championship) and National(World) shows. It was felt that the local level was the correct level for this class.
  3. mistyrose

    Double K Clippers?

    The larger clipper - its not for your belt - with the longer cable is what we use. The short cable was way to short!
  4. mistyrose

    Bedding type for foaling

    I find that a layer of peat moss covered with straw works best.
  5. mistyrose

    Tetnus question

    Horses need vaccines more often for tetanus because they are much more exposed to it than people.
  6. mistyrose


    When I fed Equine Junior the amount I fed was dependant on the size and age of the horse. Follow the directions on the bag. Just to give you an idea of weights. A refined 29" weanling weighed in at 137#. A refined 31 1/2 " yearling weighed in at 180#. A refined 29 1/2 2 yr old colt weighed in at...
  7. mistyrose

    When Shopping for a Young Horse or a Show Prospect...

    This poll has a problem since I can't answer neither. No prefence still infers that a futurity nomination is desired. The futurity nomination can be a nice bonus but it doesn't influence the horse I buy.
  8. mistyrose

    Futurity Nominated

    Which futurity are you asking about? AMHA or AMHR?
  9. mistyrose

    AMHA great on paperwork HAH!

    Amhr will not let you use the prefix that is on the AMHA paper if the prefix is also registered with them. I had to get written permission from the breeder to use the AMHA name in AMHR. Seemed kinda silly but thats what they wanted.
  10. mistyrose

    Breeding Soundness Exam

    A breeding soundness exam should include, in addition to the physical exam, a biopsy and culture. Our cultures are about $60.00 and the biopsy $100.00
  11. mistyrose

    Following Ronnies Thread on AMHA Appendix registry

    At the very least I would like to see a very big price break to hardship in the offspring of two past AMHA horses if it parent qualifies. I say past AMHA horses because one parent would have revoked papers do to going over in height. The people doing this are the ones who are following the rules.
  12. mistyrose

    photo programs

    I use Adobe Photo elements. I also have Picture Perfect which came with my camera but prefer the Adobe.
  13. mistyrose

    Tennis elbow - anyone?

    Cathy You might hate taking pills but Aleve (naproxin) is not just a pain med. It is an anti inflammatory that can prevent damage from occuring or getting worse during a flare up. YOu don't have to take them forever but to take them for a month along with the exercises, brace and therapy can...
  14. mistyrose

    Our Maremma puppy ...

    We had a Maremma dog for a few years. He was a great guardian. He lived with the herd. The only problem was that at kidding time he took a couple of the babies to clean and take care of. He was ok as soon as we put them back with mom he left them alone. I don't know if he thought the doe wasn't...
  15. mistyrose

    I am Shocked,

    Lonesome Dove stated; "A lot of us tried to make changes in the AMHA ... at last years annual business meeting we voted in several new executive board members. They tried to make some desperately needed changes. They were block every step of the way by others." Were you at the June meeting when...
  16. mistyrose

    Not so Merry Christmas.....

    Must be a bad month for Moonies. Our Moonie lost a bay filly on the 12th at 305 days. It was a horrible dystocia but Moonie is doing fine.
  17. mistyrose

    AMHA Regional Directors

    Kaykay We are region 2. Besides Jody right now the directors are also Don Fox from western PA and Erin Haddad from Michigan. We are in the middle of an election also. Don and Erin were not eligible for re-election this time. I and Kathy Porter from PA are running for director. I hope all of...
  18. mistyrose

    Senile dementia or alzheimer

    My Dad had a problem that was similar. He had multiple small stokes that caused his problem. His sister died of Alzhiemers. The small stokes cause changes to be sudden followed by periods of no change until the next stoke occurs. Alzhiemers gets worse at a steady pace. Many people have a...
  19. mistyrose

    WOO HOO ! !

    I'm glad it came back by the Hoidays for you. Two years ago my sister electric was off through XMass. She stayed home to keep the fireplaces going to keep the pipes from freezing. Her children were out with us. It wasn't a great holiday for them.
  20. mistyrose

    Tennis elbow - anyone?

    Yeah Cathy it got me too. Paul says its lunge whip elbow. The action of making the whip snap sends it off. I got about 6 weeks of PT. It did help. They put a medicine on my skin and then did some kind a stimulation therapy which helped the medicine absorb into the area. It is supposed to be a...