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  1. bluerogue

    Picture of Emmy's Eye after the surgery

    Our prayers will be with Emmy till we hear she has come home from the hospital. We have a mare who had her eye removed when she was very young (about a week old I think). She does very well, and has never acted like she even noticed it was gone. We are very careful with her however, as she...
  2. bluerogue

    overlooked fault

    I've had friends tell me I'm a butt person... I look at the hips first. If I don't like the hips on a horse, and it can be absolutely perfect in every other way (conformation, pedigree, mind, movement), I won't like it at all. Hips are so overlooked in minis it's terrible. It's an extremely...
  3. bluerogue

    judge hates breeching -"its for mountains"- OMG

    I can't comment on the breeching issue, as I don't know enough about driving to make an informed comment. However, I can comment on it sounds like the judge was out of place in what she said (maybe just slightly, or maybe a great deal... I just don't know enough about how breeching works). I...
  4. bluerogue

    Locking stifle joint

    I had a filly lock up repeatedly after a bad trim too. Got rid of that guy, got a new one, and bam, back to normal. The first guy not only cut her to short (ouch!), he also changed the angle of her feet (all four, not just her back ones), which resulted in a very unhappy weanling filly for...
  5. bluerogue

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    Donna, I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to remove Beth's eye. She is a beautiful mare, but losing her eye only means she can no longer show. She won't be in pain now, and she's going to be so excited to see you when you go to pick her up! We have a one eyed mare. Our Missy lost her eye...
  6. bluerogue

    breeding new stallion

    Hand breed! Safer for your mares, babies, him, and not to mention you. I would see if someone else can't come out and help you and your hubby. Someone will be needed to hold all three horses, including foal (baby should be held near mares head, so she can see baby. I would recommend hubby right...
  7. bluerogue

    My dad had a seizure

    Could it be possible he had a stroke? My mom has had two bad ones, and she is doing all right. Got back almost all of her mobility, and only minor residual effects. I will keep your father in my prayers. I'm glad it was not a heart attack.
  8. bluerogue

    What color is this mare?

    I'm gonna go with silver dapple, but add the possibility of being a creme carrier as well. She looks like one of the more common shades my gelding, who is a smokey silver dapple, tends to be. My boy I know is a creme carrier as his sire is a perlino. The smokey silver dapples tend to be weirder...
  9. bluerogue

    Early Placental Seperation

    Thank you all for your sympathy. This has been gut wrenching, and devastating for us. I just wanted to add the mare has been on TMS? and banamine since the morning after she foaled. She has also been flushed twice, and I was told everything looks normal, and she can be bred back this year if we...
  10. bluerogue

    Early Placental Seperation

    Good thing is the mare has been given a clean bill of health, and will be fine. Maiden mare, showed no signs of being ready, had a smallish bag, no milk, tons of muscle/tail resistance. Foaled early Thursday morning, on first due date, colt was found already gone, very shortly after birth. He...
  11. bluerogue

    AMHA and Voting

    What about having an option to vote electronically (either via the website itself in a survey or something, or via email), as well as a paper ballot? This way, it not only reduces paper cost, as most of us with internet acces would choose to do it that (faster), but it also allows for those who...
  12. bluerogue

    Uveitis- what to do?

    Hi Donna! I just wanted to say I hope you find out what you want to know about this surgery. We have a mare with one eye... but Missy lost hers as a very young foal, due to an accident. I don't think she even remembers she ever had two eyes. But she does very well, and has never missed it. I...
  13. bluerogue

    Erica's Geisha is acting funny

    Whatever it is, it looks buckskin. Is it Echo or Geisha?
  14. bluerogue

    Can anyone give me advice on how to get this foal R registered

    I think it will have to be the owner at time of breeding, but I'm not 100% positive. But that would be my guess.
  15. bluerogue

    What do I need to do

    Awesome! I was hoping it would be that easy. I'm glad your boy will shortly have both sets of his heritage now!
  16. bluerogue

    What do I need to do

    If the parents of your stallion are amha registered, I would call AMHA to see what you need to do. Maybe he just needs to be registered with an application and the fees for how old he is. I would call and ask.
  17. bluerogue

    Who else has mares that are due to

    We have one mare due for late March. It will be my stallion's second foal, and his first is turning out very promising, so we are super excited. Both mare and stallion were bought as babies with the intention of getting a foal from them. Both are Buckeroo bred (Stallion is a grandson, and also...
  18. bluerogue

    I got a pony for Xmas!

    I'm glad you got him! He should do really well in the ring for you. You are gonna have LOTS of fun with that boy! I can't wait to see how much you win with Homee!
  19. bluerogue

    Still.... No MHW.....

    I emailed the editor, and complained about it. She sent me one the next day. I would email them. I was not charged for it either. I said it was ridiculous that we had to wait this long. That said, the first time I went through it, pages fell out. So I may email and complain again. I don't really...
  20. bluerogue

    Equine Dentist in CA

    Hi! I am just north of Sacramento! There is a good dentist/vet at UCD. His name escapes me at the moment, but he does have experience with minis. I am leary of recommending UCD for much to do with minis (Loomis Basin is much better imo), this guy is pretty good. Also, check Loomis Basin. They...