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  1. Little Bits

    Miniature Horse Sport Boots

    I agree with what disneyhorse says. I am not a fan of SMB's for big or small horses. I find them bulky and they don't seem to fit properly on a big horse. They change the way a horse moves his legs they seem almost labor intensive IMO. If I were to use any boot I would use a simple tendon boot...
  2. Little Bits

    What's the smallest mare you have ever bred?

    Just out of curiosity what is the smallest mare you have bred? Was it a successful birth? Would you breed the mare again? I am just curious as to how small is to small when breeding minis.
  3. Little Bits

    For those of you that have been at this a long time.....

    I was wondering that also, as I have a colt who both parents are DNA tested. When I DNA test him will he automatically be Parent Qualified?
  4. Little Bits

    Cedar Shavings.... yes or no?

    Cedar oil will blister the skin. It is almost like a rash. Do Not use for bedding.
  5. Little Bits

    Proud flesh wound

    Regular powdered lime works great for proud flesh. Then I cover with the Alumia Shield. The Sugardine (iodine and confectionary sugar) also works great for puncture wounds and drawing out abscesses.
  6. Little Bits

    Manure tail stains

    If I might add. You have to be careful using any dish washing detergent to the tail. Dishwashing soap will actually blister the skin. You have to make sure to rinse it out really well. They actually use dish soap to water blister racehorses stifles. It will actually peel the hair right off of...
  7. Little Bits

    Manure tail stains

    I have had luck with oxy clean and then I use dandruff shampoo with conditioner. Scrub a dub dub.
  8. Little Bits

    Mini horse pulling???

    Funny thing I was thinking if they had them the other day. Question answered. They were used to pull carts in coal mines. So who knows how much they could pull. Not really my cup of tea, but whatever floats your boats.
  9. Little Bits

    Thumbelina's Title May be Stolen

    He's is super cute. What is the world record for a non dwarf? If Tumblalina was a dwarf. She would be the smallest dwarf ever recorded. That would be a different classification. I am trying to understand why every one stands up for the smallest mini and applaudes at how small she is when she is...
  10. Little Bits

    How to get a young stallion to breed

    LOL You and I are in the same boat. This past week my little fella lost his senses. That will be remedied shortly. Can't stand the sneaky biting. Call them history. Anyway if your stallion is shy maybe he needs a quite mare for his first love. I worked at a big horse breeding farm and was the...
  11. Little Bits

    Color preferences!

    My favorite is not listed. I love the roans. The blues are my favorites. We have one blue roan and a medicine hat pinto and a tovero pinto. Oh heck I like them all.
  12. Little Bits


    I think if everyone sat down and had all the nutritional labels for all the different feeds many of them are comparable. The company maybe different but the feeds are pretty much the same. Companies do to much marketing and have caused consumer confusion. I got a rescue last fall. He was...
  13. Little Bits


    I love Strategy. I have always fed my racehorses, broodmares and foals, ect it. I tried the Ultmuin and they really didn't like to eat it and it took a long time to get them switched over. Hanover Shoe farms one of the premier Standardbred breeding farm in the country feeds Strategy and oats...
  14. Little Bits

    Does anyone make their own show halters?

    I used to make brow bands using gimp. I made all kinds of patterns (checkers, stripes ect.) I think they would look fancy as a nose band on a show halter. I am wondering where you would get the supplies (rings, cable, buckles and riveters and also the strapping. Any ideas other ideas I welcome...
  15. Little Bits

    Does anyone make their own show halters?

    I was wondering if anyone has a pattern to make their own show halters. I think it would be fun to make them and then maybe show them off.
  16. Little Bits

    Question about Thimbles

    I am a former standardbred trainer. Quick hitches are the best. There is no need for thimbles or tugs. However in harness racing there is a saftey strap that goes around the shaft of the cart and attaches to the hitch itself or a D ring. This stops the cart from flipping up and over in case of...
  17. Little Bits

    blue roan coats - questions

    This is our guy at the age of 18. In the winter he is jet black with 3 inches of hair. We shave him for showing he just has the most awesome color. We have owned him for 8 years and his color has lightened some over the years. He truly is a diamond in the rough under all that hair.
  18. Little Bits

    Need Pics of color patterns

    Happy New Years!! Cindy 4h and I are doing a color pattern test for the Norfolk County hipology test(Massachusetts). We need pictures of color patterns. If anyone could send us some pics of various color patterns to be placed on the display that would be great. I think there needs to be 8...
  19. Little Bits

    Who is the daddy??

    If they are registered a simple DNA test will solve the answer. If they are not registered then you could test one and if the results for the off spring are different then the other stallion would be the father.
  20. Little Bits

    AMHA Pointed Series in New England

    I'd love to see a series as long as it doesn't interfere with shows (HA/HR) that are already scheduled. I think in order for it to be sucessfull you would need to try to draw the most horses available and conflicting with shows that are already scheduled would hurt your series. How about adding...