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  1. CrescentMinis

    horse accident last weekend at Ram Tap

    Prayers coming up for Allison to make a full recovery from this terrible accident. Caringbridge has been a wonderful way to let everyone know the updates and allow us to reach out and offer support and well wishes.
  2. CrescentMinis

    Switching from PC to Mac....

    You will love the Mac world! So much smoother, I have very few problems with my Mac, and have been using both since the early 90's. For work (I have a print marketing company), I have 2 laptops side by side. The Windows one is there because it's the only choice for my bookkeeping and embroidery...
  3. CrescentMinis

    We have a new addition

    Thank you !!!!! I got up extra early this morning to go turn on the heat lamp over the stall for an hour before I feed and have to go to work (it's 40 degrees). The little guy is so upright and alert and FRIENDLY! :wub Thanks for reading and humoring me, he's our first baby and I am going...
  4. CrescentMinis

    It's a boy :-)

    Congratulations!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR PICS!
  5. CrescentMinis

    We have a new addition

    I LOVE this little mare...Lacey is the one in my avatar. she is so considerate Day 335, 11:00am.....COLT! Our first live birth here and we are thrilled with this boy! I really didn't think she was quite ready! My *formerly* non-horsey husband was home today while I was 20 minutes away at...
  6. CrescentMinis

    Farrier cost

    I pay 25 each now, and he trims six horses at a time for that rate. When there were 3 or 4 horses here, he used to charge 35 each per trim.
  7. CrescentMinis

    Thousand Oaks Ranch - newest foals

    What Leeana said!!! :wub Totally agree
  8. CrescentMinis

    The Shack it and couldn't put it down..... A couple of weeks ago, I heard the author talk about how he came to write the book (he's from my hometown here). What an awesome guy; he had an amazing personal story. Apparently he wrote the book for his children, intending to make 15 copies to give...
  9. CrescentMinis

    Foal vaccine boosters

    Thanks for the explanation, Michelle. I wasn't having a lot of luck finding those details when I googled, etc. before posting the question. I appreciate your help!
  10. CrescentMinis

    Foal vaccine boosters

    Need advice please.....Charm is 11 months old. She had her first foal vaccines at just under 8 months of age, and I didn't realize then that a booster was needed, or I would have noted it on the calendar and had it done. So when we had the vet here a couple of weeks ago, she redid the vaccine...
  11. CrescentMinis

    Sashey's a mom of her baby...

    Watching that little guy put a big smile on my face! So much fun!!!!! Thanks for sharing
  12. CrescentMinis

    Lost foal this morning

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is a shock to make that discovery, my only foal born here yet was exactly a year ago and very much what you described. I have also kicked myself for not being there (I had purchased the mare bred and been given due dates still 6 weeks away, no signs of...
  13. CrescentMinis

    NWMHC Schooling Show next weekend

    I'm coming, but also horse-less. It's less than a mile from home so I'm looking forward to the drive
  14. CrescentMinis

    WA mini people

    Have you checked out the local club yet? There was a clinic in Longview a couple of weekends ago that would have been great to catch, and there is also a schooling show next weekend in Boring, Oregon. Details on the website.
  15. CrescentMinis

    Sneaky, sneaky mares........

    Congratulations! What a beautiful surprise. So happy everything went well!
  16. CrescentMinis

    297 Days Gestation

    Oooohhhh, Lori, send him my way!!! He is adorable! You are so lucky I was just looking at my 299-day mare last night (who usually goes 341 days according to previous owners) wondering what she's hiding in there, and was feeling pretty relaxed about her. You just showed me I better not let my...
  17. CrescentMinis

    Weatherly under the weather

    Sorry you have a sickie, hope she's better quickly. I want to ask you if you would describe how you trained Mercy to ask to "go" in the trailer when you're out at an event. That's great!
  18. CrescentMinis


    Know what you mean, Sonya...I ended up having to ignore the "gifts" my friends sent b/c they take too long! I'm on there too, my name is Faith Jossi Lichtenberg. It'd be fun to get to know some LB forum people better. Facebook is a little addictive I would say but it's been a good way to...
  19. CrescentMinis

    Looks like we may have a baby today...

    Congratulations Kim & Hilary!! She is soooo pretty....see more soon?
  20. CrescentMinis

    She is SO close! ITS A colt! PICS page 8 update

    Congratulations! I want to see more pictures of him