Lost foal this morning

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2008
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My Mare, Lacey, was just standing at 230am when I checked her on camera and at 400p showed foal on ground, rushed to barn and it was dead.....I have so many emotions right now.....just sick, kicking myself for not going to barn at 230am. etc. I still have foal in stall and will call vet. Should I leave for bit and then remove her or foal to another spot.....I guess easier to move her at this point. Any advice welcome. She is acting like she knows it is not going to get up.

My hats are off to all you breeders out there to have the nerves to go thru this one time or many times. I think any more minis here will arrive by trailer and not mini stork.......

thanks for letting me ramble.
Im so so sorry. Please dont beat yourself up though. You never know maybe if you had been there it still may have not made it. We all try to be there every minute but sometimes its just not possible.

If the mare is acting okay and not trying to get the foal up I would go ahead and remove it. Sometimes if the foal is born dead some mares dont get as upset. But every mare is different.

Sending good thoughts to your mare

Sorry to hear you lost the foal, it is a heartbreaking thing to go through.
Thanks for the kind words. I will go out and see if I can remove from stall. She is not paying much attention.

Do i have ot send anything to amha??
so sad for you loosing your foal

Heres a (((HUG))) for you and your mare...
Sorry for your loss, it is heartbreaking, but it might be too the foal was dead when foaled and you couldn't have done anything if you had been there. I am glad the mare is ok and enjoy her. Lavonne
So sorry.

It's good that your mare is okay.

It's really sickening and I think most of us have had this type of thing, if they have been in the business for any length of time. Sometimes you have to get groceries, go to a dentist appointment etc.

I am awake most of the night, checking the cameras and it just happens so fast.
I got baby out of stall and mare was upset but has settled down now, I grew up on farm but i guess you always ask the same questions when something like this happens. mad, sad, disappointed...it just overwhelms you. I feel so bad for mare as she is such a good mama and hd a nice filly last year for previous owners. She was bred to a little app stud....no spots,, but a little bay foal.....have not looked to see what it was. just bummed out, it is going to be along day. Vet is on way to lookk her over.

This forum has been such a great resource for info. I mostly just read.
I'm sorry for the loss of your foal.
I hope the vet can provide some answers and the mare recovers quickly.
I am so sorry for your loss.

It is a shock to make that discovery, my only foal born here yet was exactly a year ago and very much what you described. I have also kicked myself for not being there (I had purchased the mare bred and been given due dates still 6 weeks away, no signs of foaling), so am holding my breath waiting on one mare right now.
So sorry for your loss. We all second guess ourselves when something happens.

I had a mare under camera for 3 weeks and she slept most of the time during the night. I lost so much sleep that Friday night when the pager went off I apparently turned it off. I got up at 2:30am and there was a foal running around in her stall. Luckily all was well but you just never know what is coming your way.

I'm about an hour from you. Give me a call if you want to talk or want to come out to visit and talk horses. I have 2 foals now and are expecting more any time.
:No-Sad So sorry for your loss...please don't beat yourself up too badly, chances are you could not have done anything for the foal if you were there at the birth. GOD has other plans for the angel foal and get some relief knowing it is running free over the rainbow bridge with all the other angels!!!
I am sorry for your lost little foal. Breeding isnt for the faint of heart as you have found out the hard way. It is very upsetting to lose a little one. Take care and I hope the vet says your mare is ok.

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