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  1. F

    Anybody ever had pink eye?

    Yup... Sounds like you have pink eye. It's very contagious and you should probably use disinfecting wipes on everything you touch. Wash your sheets and everything. You could very well reinfect yourself if you're not careful.
  2. F

    Could you say a few prayers for Emma?

    Lots of thoughts and prayers for you, Lori and Emma... Hoping that everything will be alright! Look at it this way, keep Emma baking for another 4 weeks and she'll be full term! 33 weeks is better than 26 weeks... I was there at 26 weeks with Robbie.
  3. F

    What is gelding running in your area?

    I paid $112 total with the farm call and everything for Rebel's gelding in November.
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    My dad is having open heart bypass surgery

    Keeping your Dad in my prayers. My dad went through a triple bypass in December 2007. The recovery can be a bit hard if he's used to doing everything himself... Make sure that he has a firm pillow to hug tight to his chest when he coughs.
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    Happy Birthday Marty!
  6. F

    My mom's not being very supportive!

    Wow! I honestly have to agree with just about every post; you're lucky that you're riding at all! I worked my butt off to have the horse I had when I was younger. I put every single cent of my paychecks towards her board, vet care, farrier and everything else that my mare needed; I never...
  7. F

    Great sign Langauge site

    My uncle is deaf, so I've been signing since I was about 10 months old. But that's a great site to learn from.
  8. F

    My computer is just plain sick

    Go to Malwarebytes and use their scanning program to get rid of any viruses. Then go get AVG anti-virus, it's free!
  9. F

    How often do you breed mares?

    Our mares are bred every couple years just so that we don't have all 25 mares foaling at the same time and that we only have 5 mares foaling at a time. Right now, for this coming season we only have 2 mares bred and we don't plan on breeding any mares this summer.
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    Trimming Feet

    My husband does our mini's feet. He learned to trim feet from Lisa's (Runaway Ranch) husband who passed away last year. Hus also just kneels to do feet...
  11. F

    Does anyone own arabians on here???

    Here are the 3 I've owned... Lewi - 1987 I was 4 - we sold him in 1989 and I haven't been able to find what happened to him, I have a feeling that he went to a KB though... Tari - Passed away April 2006 Fay - now 4-year-old going to be trained by me this summer...
  12. F

    Possible to pull an aluminum trailer with a ford F150?

    We've pulled an aluminum trailer with 2 full sized horses (with the power braking box) with our Dodge Dakota that we had. I still haul the same trailer, 2 full sized horses with my GMC Envoy.
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    Anti-Slaughter Bill

    I have to agree!
  14. F

    Jeff Foxworthy on Wisconsin

    The whole thing is SO true Marnie!!! My hus laughed his butt off the entire time I read it!!!
  15. F

    Need attorney advice

    I'd call the county and complain to them. I'd also find a new attorney and see if the new attorney would go after the old attorney for the retainer since he didn't do his job! Good luck!
  16. F

    Parents- Whats your favorite diaper?

    High-five from me too for Lori breast feeding and you guys making your own baby food! As for the diapers, like SampleMM, both of my boys have been VERY sensitive to everything but Huggies. The nice thing about Huggies is that you get $1 & $1.50 coupons in the packages! Also wanted to say, sign...
  17. F

    How do you decide when its time to put a horse down?

    I have to Ditto Laura. IMO, if he's not comfortable, not holding condition or not improving then I'd put him down... Again JMO. I'd rather see him go with compassion and dignity than to be putting him down when it's almost too late. I've done it both ways. My arab mare, it was almost too late...
  18. F

    Ouija boards

    I ditto the toss it comment! Like MA said, if it's in the "wrong" hands it will pull negative energy. IMO, it's not something to play around with!
  19. F

    Should we do something different

    Here's a pic of me, hus, our 5-year-old Robbie and 1-year-old Bryce taken in November.
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    The loss of our beautiful Sunshyne.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. She had a wonderful 6 years with you!