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  1. E

    flower garden protection

    Jayne, thanks for the help, your ladies are lovely
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    flower garden protection

    Jayne, if you are still here.....does the flower garden have a top so they can not fly in or just sides.
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    flower garden protection

    Spring is just around the corner and the flower gardens will soon start to grow. My problem is my sweet little chickens that I love, we let them out of their pen for the afternoon after most of the eggs have been laid, last year they made tossed hosta salad with all my hosta as they came up...
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    Hello All

    Hi and welcome Becky, from Nova Scotia Canada. I do not have mini horses, but donkeys, they are addictive also!!
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    That is a really good question.....
  6. E

    Finally some good news! It's A........

    Congrats! So glad everyone is healthy!! He is beautiful
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    Chicken Help

    I'm sorry to say that she's moved on to rainbow bridge, I could not stand the fact that I could not help her. Does anyone know of a very good book about raising chickens?
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    Chicken Help

    I've tried all I can think of.....I hate to see her in such a state, she is eating a little and a small amount of water. How long can she go on?
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    So sorry to hear of your loss
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    Chicken Help

    Thanks for the input, this is the third day that she has been acting different, we only soaked her for about 20 minutes, she is now living in the bathtub, will she keep making eggs and they will all be backed up, is there a solution or should we end her uncomfortable situation.....
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    Chicken Help

    I do not know much about sick chickens, but I do think that she is egg bound. Is there anything that I can do to help her....I probed her and it feels like 2 eggs side by side, I sat her in a warm tub of epsom salts, and rubbed her belly. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.
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    Grooming products

    I keep checking for replies also.....but have nothing to add, I do not use anything.....we buy fly stuff, other than that we keep them muddy
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    I have been inspired!

    That sounds like lots of fun, my husband would like to eventually pair up our two!
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    Oh, This is too Cute

    That was cute!!
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    A day to celebrate!

    Congrats!!!You are an inspiration!!!
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    If you could change your home

    Hummm, 4 years ago we bought a run down house on 50 acres, or should I say we bought land with a run down house. We fixed it enough to live in it legally, so it still needs lots of work, but my husband and I sleep in the sunroom, either 3 kids need to move on or we need to build a bedroom on...
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    He's coming Sunday-2/22!

    Congrats on your new friend, he is a beauty!! So glad to hear that others are still suffering with winter storms, we are having our 10th as I post
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    Proud Cut..

    I still consider myself a newbie, so I appreciate any explaination of any and all terms! Max was gelded and I was very upset the first time Emily came into heat and he mounted her, I made my husband call the people who actually gave him birth(you know what I mean) and that was 2...
  19. E

    Oh,,, I want one of these!!!!! Too bad they grown up!!!

    Oh my dear what a cutie! I would love one if they stayed small, I have a Siamese who also likes to hisssss!
  20. E

    Ok get out a box of kleenex

    Oh so so sweet!!