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  1. W

    Trying to find a horse I owned

    Sent you a pm.
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    Thinking of full time RVing-looking at options

    Hadn't thought of that one but sounds great. Heaven knows I have enough experience to house sit a horse ranch!
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    Thinking of full time RVing-looking at options

    I have been lurking on full time RVing sites to get info about the best way to do things. I am dispersing my horses and would like to sell everything and spend the last few years for my nursing career doing travel nursing part time for income and seeing the country the rest of the time. We...
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    Our 1st mini Cowboy earns his Pinto Championship

    Congratulations on a hard earned championship!. Being a pinto person I recognize all the hard work it takes to put a championship on a horse, especially one that is hard to deal with. Val in my avatar, was the handful your horse was. My favorite picture of him is before I got him and he is...
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    BIG vent over hospital and policies

    I know it is upsetting to you but I work in a hospital and can understand their reasoning. We have become pretty hard-nosed about our visiting policies recently with the H1N1 virus going around to protect our patients. Your babies are going to be very compromised as far as immunity, as well as...
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    Breeding question

    I have done both and find pasture breeding so much easier and far less labor intensive. We can see the horses from anywhere in the house and watch for breeding or increased interest and note it down. I have a ball park figure on days but you have to watch the mares and know what signs of...
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    You might contact Jon and Wade at Lucky Four Farm. Jon is into the beagles and had one of his dogs win best of show at Westminster dog show a couple of years ago. He mentioned that the show beagles don't bark.
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    white out

    I would have to wonder if someone is trying to register a horse on another horses paper. I wouldn't get involved at all until someone contacted me and explained to my satisfaction, what is going on. As you said, your contact number is easy to get from AMHA.
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    Trailer Question...planning on showing more this year

    A living quarter trailer was a must have when I was showing. It is not only a place to sleep but it is a HOME when you are traveling around a lot. A comfortable place to get away from the show and chill for a while, nice bed, toilet, shower if I need it but usually showered in the fairgrounds...
  10. W

    i will lay simon to rest today

    I am sorry about Simon and can relate to what you are going through. I too have that special Corgi that has been the dog of a lifetime and she is starting to lose her rearend. I watch her getting a little worse even on a daily basis and doubt she will make it through the winter. I am mentally...
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    Asparagus soup

    I can asparagus and have a very simple and good recipe. 1-1 1/2 lbs asparagus-I have used the ends that are still good but don't fit the jars 1 onion 1 10 oz can chicken broth-you could use turkey stock cut up asparagus and onion and simmer in broth until very tender 10-15 minutes Cool and...
  12. W

    Marketing horses

    Thanks, guys! Keep the info coming.
  13. W

    Marketing horses

    When marketing your horses, where do you get the best results? I know Lil Beginnings and Dreamhorse, but are there other places that you get good response?
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    So, if you had the money and could justify it,

    Since we are playing fantasy time and I had the money to justify it, I would hire someone to do my job so I had time to piddle around the house and barn myself.
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    another mane???????????????????????

    It's just natural in weanlings. You to can have those sleek manes like in the picture but you have to clip, sleazy, gel, and work like crazy to have that one moment that a picture can be taken without the fuzzy mane.
  16. W

    Long Distance trailer purchase

    Hey Linda, Unless it is something really special, there are a lot of trailers for sale in Oregon right now at some really good prices. Take a look at Craigslist up and down I-5 and I bet you could find it locally.
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    Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimerman

    I went to a friends house this summer and they were cutting up meat for jerky but were reluctant to tell what kind of meat, knowing I had horses. It seems this horse had gone blind and was frantically running into things so they put it down. Being the curious person I am, wanted to try it so...
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    Congress - Financial Woes

    Lea-thank you for posting this. You are bringing to our attention things that need to be known. If people get a little "hot under the collar", good for them. It makes us think about the need for change and the need to tighten our belts. As I have recently posted on other threads, the...
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    Something that would have been a good proposal for Convention

    I think if the registries were smart they should relax the hardship rules and give incentives for people to register their minis that are unregistered at this time. They should also have reduced prices on ranch registrations for multiple horses. In this economy horses are a luxury, not a...
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    Herd Dispersals

    As one of those people going through a dispersal I can tell you my story. I am 57 years old, have been showing for 45 years, breeding for 35 years in one registry or another. I got into minis in 2000 as a middle aged woman who didn't want to get hurt with the biggies and the minis were the...