Long Distance trailer purchase

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Hudson, Florida
I was wondering if anyone has ever purchased a trailer long distance and if you picked it up yourself or found someone who needed a trailer for hauling some horses and just happened to be headed your direction or ?? Just trying to figure out a way to get a trailer home IF I bought it...without having to go get it myself (which at this time of year isnt really doable for me).

Any thoughts or suggestions??
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I would handle a long distance trailer purchase just like I would a long distance horse sale, and other types of Internet sales. Ask a LOT OF QUESTIONS, request PHOTOS - perhaps a guarantee. Buying from a reputable person, company or business is of course your uptmost concern.

As far as getting the trailer to you, there are companies out there that will haul them for you, typically by the mile (charge). You can arrange whatever type of delivery that works for you.

You can of course find someone locally that has a trailer for sale? If I were buying a trailer that would be my preference, unless of course the one you are looking at is ONE - BIG BARGAIN!
I sold a trailer a few years ago across the country. It worked out well for both of us. A friend of mine was able to pull it to the AMHA World show and the buyer picked it up there.

I bet you can work it out. Good luck!
We just bought a trailer earlier this year in Arizona. We live in Kentucky. Originally my husband was going to go pick it up, but we just couldn't get the timing worked out. I had a guy pick it up and deliver it. I went on the internet and scheduled it. Everything worked out great for everybody. Of course, I asked lots of questions and the seller sent lots of pictures. We couldn't find anything close that was what we were looking for. The price was very reasonable for delivering it when you consider what it would have cost us in fuel, motels, food and not to mention wear and tear on our truck.
Hey Linda,

Unless it is something really special, there are a lot of trailers for sale in Oregon right now at some really good prices. Take a look at Craigslist up and down I-5 and I bet you could find it locally.
I actually did buy a trailer long distance this year, found it on LB and it worked out well. I asked questions and got lots of pictures and also found a company on the internet to haul it. You post what/when you need something hauled on their site, and they have independent contractors who contact you. I got several quotes and this one was the best - probably not much more than it would have cost me to go get it myself by the time I added in motels, food, etc. Arrived on time as promised.

I would have preferred to find one locally, but if you are looking for something specific that doesn't always happen.

Thanks for all your responses. Ideally, finding one locally would be my preference, but I am looking for something specific and haven't found it closer to home. Thought I did once, but it didn't work out.

I will check those contract hauling places and see what kind of quotes I get. Hadn't thought of that.
When we bought our gooseneck from Wrangler, they hauled it here for me (1,000 miles). I paid them for it, but now don't remember what the cost of that was. I, obviously, thought it was reasonable at the time factoring in the good deal I got on the trailer in the first place.
I live in NH and I had bought a mini trailer in Tenn., I had some friends that were vacationing down south and they swung over and picked it up for me on the way home, they had a big boat of a car and I paid to have a hitch put on and paid for gas to haul it home!!!! we had made arrangements before they went on vacation... all worked out and was cheaper for me in the long run. Val
Be VERY Careful! A friend of mine found a trailer on Craig's list which showed it to be a local trailer. Then it turned out that they supposedly had turned it over to a wholesaler, which happened to be across the country. Then they said it was also on Ebay and sent a link to the site. However, when we looked on Ebay could not find the trailer. Turns out it was a scam all the way. They had photos, description, e-mail, the whole works.

That said -- I have sold a trailer across the country - I think Minnesota?? -- a few years back. Was a great transaction. Friends were going out that way and hauled it to the new owner. I don't think she still has it, but our deal went great. I also sold it through LB. I would feel much more comfortable buying something through LB than Craig's list or Ebay.

What are you looking for? I can keep my eyes open for you down on this end of the state. Also look at TackTrader on Dreamhorse. Lots of trailers for sale there.
I would also be very careful of the on line transports. Make sure that you have a lic./bonded/insured company to haul your trailer or you just might never see it.
Oh yeah! Been there, done that!! We were working a show (don't remember exactly where) but we had bought a trailer in Michigan. I had talked to the man on the phone and asked for a video of the trailer. He did a great job of videoing (?) showing everything about the trailer. Was a great buy. So, after the show, we went 7 hours to pick up the trailer. Payed for it, turned around and headed home.
(We were really too old to do that!) Now I don't know if you have ever pulled an empty, 32 foot gooseneck with a 3/4 ton pickup, but if you have, you will NEVER forget it. Do you know how bouncy an empty 32 ft. trailer hooked to the truck can be??? We only stopped once to sleep for about an hour then headed on home. Man, I was so beat. I should have lost weight with all that bouncing ('course, I didn't) Oh, btw, we live in Arkansas!


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