Well-Known Member
Thank you for these kind words.As that time of birth draws near whether it be horse, dog or even a person it makes you really realise how precious life truly is and makes you pray for the best. With having said that Good luck to everyone out there that is expecting babies this year!
This site is a wonderful place and I have met many kind people and learnt lots. It is also wonderful for me to be able to talk/write in English. Saying this people don't get the full picture as they don't know you or your situation. I stated on a post that I am new to mini's and that I want to learn so readers (or some at least) automatically think that I am some idiot that has picked up a bargain cheap horse and want to make a few bucks. This could not be further from the truth. I spent a small fortune for my 7 ponies (which hubby reminds me daily) but I wanted something special. I am lucky enough to not have money problems and I could easily take my herd to my hubby's show jumping yard where we have live in grooms, foal detector infra red alarms, indoor school, heated lamps, a full time nutritionist, a vet and much more. I don't take them cos I am a mother and I find it easier to look after them at home as I can spend more time with them and because I WANT to look after them myself and LEARN. Who says I can't move on from Show jumpers to minis. As was mentioned before "You have to start somewhere" I will not be selling my foals as I just can't do it, I love them all as a family member and the thought of losing one of them through birth frightens me. I want to be prepared for the worst.
I guess I am trying to say that SOME people shouldn't judge so easily.
O:K you can shot me know; I have finished.

Safe foaling everyone