2014 Maple Hollow Foaling--Belle**FILLY!!!!! 6/14****

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Well Chippys colt is getting around better now, still a bit wobbly but at least getting up and wandering around on his own. I have not caught him nursing on his own yet but have been feeding him every few hours to make sure he is getting enough, I did see him in the right place watching on the monitor for a while so hoping he got a drink then, just hard to tell watching on the TV. He is such a leggy boy though so no wonder that he was scrunched up in there! Will be exciting to see him unfold in a few days!!!! Here are finally outside pics of Missys boy too now that he is an ornery lil stinker! I love his eyes they are that greyish blue color that it seems a lot of our dilutes get but dont think they are a real blue.















he is so sweet and those legs are so long and beautiful!!! I did see you in there with him today and he does seem to be getting around better!!! He just needed to get used to walking on stilts as you said!! But he is going to be a real looker when he grows up, I just love him!!!!!!
Just so handsome! I'm extremely fond of the long, long legs, and he certainly has them! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Glad to hear that Missy's little man is doing so much better - he looks great!

I'm sure that Chippy's colt will soon get the hang of the feeding business - those long legs mean that he has to master the 'couch' to get under to the milk bar. He'll soon learn.
Wanted to update that I now have Wanna in the left stall, Fae in the middle, and Mars on the right. Also here are some pics of Chippy's lil guy, dry and getting pretty ornery!







Oh he is gorgeous!! By the way, you might like to look again at your threads heading - Mars ....... 530 days!!!!! LOL!!
Tired?? She must be absolutely exhausted - and there are more to come yet! I truely sympathise.
Yup, me too! I remember the seasons of 10+ babies coming.......I think I just collapsed after the 2 month stint and slept a week in a bed, instead of in the barn on the hay or in the stall. I remember it well.
ROFL....OOOPS! I guess I will go fix that :p....I wont lie, I am EXHAUSTED!!!! Between foaling and just trying to catch up on stuff that I fell behind on during this extremely horrid winter, I am pooped! I wish I could sleep nonstop after foaling season is over but I will be going right into show season LOL! I sometimes think I might be crazy :p...O well at least I have fun hehehe...thanks for the compliment on my lil guy too, I am LOVING my Rem foals so far, now I just need a couple fillies for me to keep back!!!!
Fae is driving me crazy! 342 days and still not doing much for an udder! She was really cranky yesterday so was hopeful that she would start making some changes but so far she is still torturing me! This year has def. been a crazy one for gestation length and signs.....
I have been watching almost everynight and it does seem like your girls are taking a long time to foal!!! But as they say the best things are worth waiting for!!!!!!
You have had some awesome foals so far so these next ones must be really "something special"!!!!!!
Maybe they're putting some SPOTS on the babies?? You know that takes some extra time!
Im really thinking Mars is actually open, it can be so hard to tell on the seasoned broodmares but she just isnt as big as normal and also should be bagging by now. Only bred her once last year and didnt have her checked. If she is open it is no big deal as she has earned a year off if she wanted one, she has had a foal every year I have owned her so a very well deserved year off! I hadnt actually teased her back after breeding her as if she settled awesome if not o well, it was getting late and I wasnt going to cover her again anyways if she would have shown heat.

The other girls are still driving me crazy as normal, neither has any bag to speak of and Fae is at 345 days!!!!!

Also thought Diane would like this pic too....raise your hands if you can see the white coming in on my pretty buckskin filly Cocoa!!!


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