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You all got me motivated to drive Billy today. Not so hot and humidity dropped a little. We went 2.42 miles and 60 minutes, counting hitch time. He hitched pretty quickly today, though I still did ground driving for a few minutes. Then we were off. There was one scary ??? along the way where he leaped into the air. But he does not bolt, so as long as I pay attention I'm safe. So much easier to get his boots on, now that we have his hooves in better shape.


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About a half mile with Rowan today ground-driving. We were chased home at speed by clouds of deerflies! Next time I'll break out the fake dragonflies, more spray, and a hat! He was a good boy though even though they were biting him all over.
Dragonflies! I'm going to try that!!
What a great weekend!
Saturday Phillippe drove for about 30 minutes. Jasmine went out for about the same with my friend who borrowed her for the weekend event.
Falcor ground drove and then drove hitched for about an hour and a half total Saturday.

Sunday Phillippe drove for an hour, Jasmine for about 45 minutes.
The Pace Event was a great experience for me and Phillippe and I came in third!!
Ground drove Peanut 1 hour this week and hand walked dressage tests with Cappy for 45 minutes. I hope to ground drive Cappy soon. Not quite ready for a bit yet because of his sinus surgery and tooth extractions in April/May. I'd use a bitless bridle but he has no respect for that!
Practiced getting Peanut to yeild from the quarter line to the rail, he's catching on. I'd like to teach him to "shoulder-in" by end of summer just to see if I can. I keep wanting to use my legs as if I was riding, lol. Funny what the body remembers to do.
50 minutes driving Billy today. We went 2.18 miles. Mostly walking--as the doctor ordered. He seemed to be fine with no discomfort. We often see game sign on our drives. Today we saw some good-sized snake trails.
Peanut would jump over that snake trai! Snakes are the one thing that fluster him. I've been in the cart when one slithered in front of him 😄. I'm happy you are still taking Billy out, you know him well and the light exercise will keep him limber, he'll tell you if he's not happy.

20 minutes for Peanut and 15 for Cappy 🥳 ! Cappy tolerated the bridle just fine. He's stiff and not bending, but that's Cappy. We will work on it as soon as I'm sure he's up for it.
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15 minutes each ground driving Peanut and Cappy. Cappy was a little less crooked which was good. His mouth is very busy but I don't think it's teeth or discomfort as everytime he's had time of he gets all chewy and chompy. I might try to find a mullen mouth for him. I think I have one kicking around, but on second thought I bet it's the one on Peanut's bridle.
15 minutes each ground driving Peanut and Cappy. Cappy was a little less crooked which was good. His mouth is very busy but I don't think it's teeth or discomfort as everytime he's had time of he gets all chewy and chompy. I might try to find a mullen mouth for him. I think I have one kicking around, but on second thought I bet it's the one on Peanut's bridle.
Too hard to change out that bit! But might be worth it to see if it is a better fit. I'm pleased with the butterfly arch.
Deer flies are out here too, but not too bad.
I ground drove Cappy 20 minutes, he was naughty. Saw the wild turkeys in the backyard and decided his old habit to sit and spin was a fun idea. I've been waiting for him to sneak that in 😁. He got over it. Found a plain half cheek snaffle and put that on the bridle, he chomped much less. So all in all it was progress. Here he is about to whirl.


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15 minutes for Cappy and same for Peanut. It was hot this morning and I was lazy. Found the mullen mouth that was Cappy's and tried that. Seems to be the best of the three bits for him right now. If I start driving him I'll have to sort out something different as he will lean on it. I know that can be worked through and have done it with him before, but . . . I'm lazy 😁.
Goodness, I've got some catching up to do!
Friday July 11 Falcor and Jasmine out for 45 minutes.
Saturday, Phillippe out for 45 minutes
Sunday Falcor and Jasmine went to school the CDE grounds and each went for 1.5 hours.
Good kids!
Wally is fat fat fat. I'm guessing EMS or insulin resistance. He's been on the same crappy grass hay as everyone else and he's got a HUGE neck crest. So exercise is the plan!

60 min and 4.25 miles today with Wally. He is a strong little bugger. He pulled myself, my 4 year old, and my dad in the marathon wagon though the livestock corridor we call the North Fields.


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