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Today, September 1, Billy and I went out for the first time in about a month. He acted as though he had never been driven in his life. Half-rearing with the whites of his eyes showing. We finally got on our way, but I ground drove him for about 1/4 mile before he would settle down. I planned a short drive. Just after he settled down and I was in the seat, we passed the neighbor that has 5 dogs. Two rushed out barking. They are supposed to be on electronic collars. Billy did pretty well with that. We turned around to head for home after 15 minutes or so; I didn't want to go too far. All five dogs came rushing out this time. They stopped at their barrier, but barked like crazy. Billy did a little hopping, but settled down. I notice that he does NOT like the little tassels attached to his bridle. They appeared to drive him crazy, especially with all the head-bobbing.
I could not discern any sign of foot tenderness. And the boot did not appear to exacerbate the scratches areas. Photo is returning to the corral. I think most of his behavior is being spoiled. But we did what we set out to do--go for a short drive.
I removed the tassels.
30 minutes for Billy today.


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Good news that you did not detect soreness with his hoof. Why is it when you want a nice relaxing ride, drive or walk they test you?🤣
Good news that you did not detect soreness with his hoof. Why is it when you want a nice relaxing ride, drive or walk they test you?🤣
How does one keep from spoiling a horse? He's never been a relaxing driving horse, but after being cosseted while foot-sore, he seems to be more difficult. I cannot tell the difference in behavior between being spoiled and being in pain. The weather is cool at the moment, so I will try to take him out again and try a different route--hopefully dogless.
Billy out for about 55 minutes this morning.
Nice and cool. I tried leaving him tied while hitching and attaching the sulky. It worked much better than having him stand untied to hitch. For some reason standing untied now makes him restless. We started off pretty well and I only had to ground drive .1 mile. He settled down quickly today. A deer in the road ahead got his ears up. And a huge turkey vulture swooped over us and he jumped pretty well, but settled fine. Glad I took the tassels off--he did much better with head shaking. He will let a fly crawl all over his face in the corral without batting an eye, but if one gets close to his face while driving it is a major thing.
The reason I need to ground drive till he settles is it is getting harder for me to climb into the sulky. I need him to stand pretty still for a few seconds. Not as agile as I used to be! It isn't a matter of just stepping into the ez cart.
Ali drove Jasmine for 1.5 hours on Saturday and 1.25 hours Sunday.
I drove Falcor for 1 hour Saturday and Sunday at the derby. Our ponies did so good! Ali won a junior driver championship (only junior driver there...) as well as a 5th place overall in Prelim for the weekend.
I was successful both days with Falcor who had major improvements between our 2 rounds. I'm so incredibly proud of him!
40 minutes this morning for Billy. We went 2.11 miles. I watch for signs of discomfort. No real head-bobbing. He trots willingly and all seems fine with his body. I clipped his stomach this morning--he has been sweating every day as the weather has been pretty warm. Hoping the minor clip will keep him cooler. Pepper has been doing much better. She is two now, and finally beginning to mature.


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I've been totally locked out of my account for a couple months. I'm here and back to counting hours! The fall driving is beautiful. My tiny trailer is amazing (likely a total waste of money in most peoples opinion but I kind of love it. Plus no one asks to borrow it :p)
I’m sorry you were locked out and am so glad you got back in! 🥳

Nothing that gives you time and fun with your horses is ever a waste of money!
Smile and drive on! 😁

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