Well-Known Member
uh..yeahIf I had read this thread before driving, I never would have started.
Melissa, maybe you need to read a NON scary experience--
I've been driving for 6 years. I've trained 3 horses to drive, and am working on a 4th. I have never wrecked in a cart. I do parades, cruises around town to give rides, jaunts in the country with tractors and combines, cows and stray dogs, quail and snakes. A little showing, too.
I love driving! It is such a wonderful way to share my hroses. Giving a ride to some delighted child or amazed adult is so much fun!
If you are looking for a first horse and thinking you want to drive, you may want to broaden your ideas about flashy color and consider temperament as more important. You might combine both, but you need to choose the priority.
I am aware that I MIGHT wreck someday. But if we sit around worrying about what might happen, we might not ever do anything at all. So, don't give up on your idea to drive! It is so much fun!

You know what caused me to be so afraid of riding these last 3 years? I bought my first horse, a barely turned 5 year old at 39 and had experience

So with driving. I do not want to make the mistake again. I want to learn all about it by taking lessons doing it first and make darn sure if I like it buy a well trained mini from a breeder that has trained the horse themselves. Aty least if I take lessons I will know if it's what I want to do. I am timid by nature (wasn't when I as young) but at have a lot more to lose when you have family. And true about color. If I want to drive the most important thing for me would be the horse not all the flare. I can buy flare for pets!