75 - 125 Kansas Minis "OMG Please help by WRITING!!"

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So far, nothing has been reported on Fox 4....hopefully they will still get to it tonight!!

Its great that Pittsburgh will be airing the story tomorrow!!! :aktion033:
OMG!! They just showed a clip of the reporter standing in the lot with the horses, the full story will be shown at 6 pm Central time on Fox 4. The reporter called it "a controversy in a small town"
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OMG!! They just showed a clip of the reporter standing in the lot with the horses, the full story will be shown at 6 pm Central time on Fox 4. The reporter called it "a controversy in a small town"
OMG!!! :new_shocked: THAT IS WONDERFUL!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: NOW, THAT MADE MY DAY!!! :bgrin :new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :new_multi: :488: :488: :488:
I might have missed this somewhere in the lists many reply's but, I hope all knows that theses minis will not be able to be used for breeding, so I was told by CMHR. No horse adopted through a rescue can be used for breeding. All studs will be gelded when they are healty enough and the mares can't be bred.

If I wsn't so far south, I'd go for one or two but, I already have three geldings but, I could use one or two more to teach to drive. I have too many stallions to bring on any mares that couldn't be bred.

If they are seised, any idea what the adoption fee is going to be?
Where there is hope there is a way!!!

A Little Prayer For the Little Horses At Uniontown

We’re coming we’re coming, can you hear our voices??

We are so sad your owner made bad choices.

We have seen your sad eyes,

And know there has been cries.

We’re coming we’re coming to take you away,

So that you will see a much better day.

Forgive us for not doing something faster,

We made a mistake and listened to your master.

We’re coming we’re coming through the blocks in the road

The trailers will carry all the load.

We have seen your bodies, no flesh, only bone and hide

Only God knows how much we have cried.

We’re coming we’re coming please hang on.

For the plan is to have your suffering gone.

You will be put in pastures green and given plentiful of hay.

And fresh clean water through out the day.

We’re coming we’re coming your needs soon to be met

Everything is ready we are all set.

You have been so strong and brave,

Even though your days have been so grave.

We’re coming we’re coming to take you away,

So that you will see a much better way..

You have been so strong and brave,

We know your days have been so grave.

We’re coming we’re coming your needs soon to be met

Everything is ready we are all set. Your rescuers
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OMG!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I don't know about anyone else, but between the photos, the videos, and that poem..........I don't think I have any more tears left!
I might have missed this somewhere in the lists many reply's but, I hope all knows that theses minis will not be able to be used for breeding, so I was told by CMHR. No horse adopted through a rescue can be used for breeding. All studs will be gelded when they are healty enough and the mares can't be bred.

If I wsn't so far south, I'd go for one or two but, I already have three geldings but, I could use one or two more to teach to drive. I have too many stallions to bring on any mares that couldn't be bred.

If they are seised, any idea what the adoption fee is going to be?
And so they should NOT BE USED for breeding!!! I would never dream of breeding these poor animals. They need forever loving homes and I am sure all those that have voiced their desire to adopt are aware of the non-breeding clause. :aktion033: I guess it just brings us back to the problems with minis sometimes that people just see them as "breeding animals". How sad for the breed.

Here is an update - email I have received

Hi There
Just thought I would let you have a copy of the response I had from the newspaper editor.

I really hope the situation is hotting up for these people, whether they are the owner or the Sherriff's department.

Dear Ms. Abbott-Compton:

I currently have a reporter investigating this issue, as we have had many conflicting reports. I would suggest that you contact our Bourbon County Sheriff, Mr. Harold Coleman, hcoleman@bourboncountyks.org. As I understand the situation, at least some of the miniature horses have been removed from Mr.Trembly's care.

Robin Hixson

Managing Editor

On Oct 8, 2007, at 5:39 AM, Dacdeborah1@aol.com wrote:

I will email Harold Coleman too!!!!

The power of free speech and all of that. You are doing a great job do not loose heart, action will be taken.

Kind regards

Debbie A-C
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The poem was fantastic and said everything so perfectly!!

Thank You Buckskin Gal

Can someone please pass the Kleenex?
Does Fox 4 come via satellite also? If so, anyone know what #?

QUOTE(MaryKansas @ Oct 8 2007, 03:31 PM)
OMG!! They just showed a clip of the reporter standing in the lot with the horses, the full story will be shown at 6 pm Central time on Fox 4. The reporter called it "a controversy in a small town"

Oh THANK GOD!!! I didn't get any further than that post. I'm in tears.


Hang on little ones. We may be slow, but we'll be there to get you as soon as possible.
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That was so beautiful. Again, I cried, this time for the heartfelt words! Thank you so much for that
GRRRR so many different stories fromt he Sheriff's department
: . Hard to figure out was is the truth and what are lies. Would love to know WHERE the supposed minis that were confiscated were taken to and what veterinarian has them in his or her care. I find it rather "fishy" that their are no "official statements" from this sheriff about this entire situation. This sheriff must answer to someone!!! Who is that someone??? THAT is the person the rescue needs to speak with because this sheriff obviously is not going to cooperate. I truly think at this point in time a spokeperson from Chance Miniature Horses needs to make direct contact by phone (tomorrow) and get to the bottom of what the sheriff or sheriff's office is telling the media. Lord, even the t.v. station now is telling people to call the darn sheriff. THIS revolving door HAS TO STOP.
Fox4 teaser of story coming up:

Reporter: "An international rescue operation says these horses need to be saved. The owner of this farm says, "That's rediculous!""

(Reporter is petting one of the minis)
Please let us know what is said when it airs and also the pictures that are being broadcast. I am on the Fox 4 website but don't see the story posted yet.
The story just aired... they interviewed Roni, the vet and Vern. I have it saved on my Tivo and can type out word-for-word if interested, or if someone else hasn't already done so.
I'm so mad, I'm shaking!!

Ok, Linda Wagar first reported "dozens" of horses, not 100+!! Grrrrrr....

Ronni was interviewd and some of the pics were shown. Yolanda Gray, the vet that looked at the horses admitted she was "concerned". They interviewed Trembly...he said he is a "crude ole country boy" in regards to the reason that all the junk is in with the horses. He admits some of the horses "are thin" and that he doesnt know how he will pay for the vet bills that he called on Tuesday. He admits he has to many to take care of.

The reporter said the sheriff "is monitoring" the situation.

The horses did have fresh water and were drinking it up quickly, which tells me it was just put out there for them.
I haven;t yet read all the new pages added today so this may be a repeat. This is the reply I got from the site Danielle posted about ((((think of you all the time by the way kiddo)))))

"I sent my email to the sheriff offering California media coverage or a note to my governor to help speed things along. Sent mail to mini people I know. Sent a note to eeru.org (in Kansas) who have already offered their services.

Michelle Staples

author of Save Your Horse! A Horse Owners Guide to Large Animal Rescue,

and the new "horse basics" CDRom, Horse Awareness and Safety. Available

now at www.redjeansink.com/catalog.html and THE large animal rescue website,

The story just aired... they interviewed Roni, the vet and Vern. I have it saved on my Tivo and can type out word-for-word if interested, or if someone else hasn't already done so.

That would be great...I was so mad at the "dozens" remark, I couldnt get many notes written.
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