Hi There
Just thought I would let you have a copy of the response I had from the newspaper editor.
I really hope the situation is hotting up for these people, whether they are the owner or the Sherriff's department.
Dear Ms. Abbott-Compton:
I currently have a reporter investigating this issue, as we have had many conflicting reports. I would suggest that you contact our Bourbon County Sheriff, Mr. Harold Coleman, hcoleman@bourboncountyks.org. As I understand the situation, at least some of the miniature horses have been removed from Mr.Trembly's care.
Robin Hixson
Managing Editor
On Oct 8, 2007, at 5:39 AM, Dacdeborah1@aol.com wrote:
I will email Harold Coleman too!!!!
The power of free speech and all of that. You are doing a great job do not loose heart, action will be taken.
Kind regards
Debbie A-C