[SIZE=10pt]I was wondering if anyone that has purchased some horses, has a price ever been mentioned what they had to pay per horse? Just wondering for us that want to purchase one or some from him if and when that is possible for us to do. I have already offered to keep a few here for rehab if needed. I live in SW Arkansas tho, but if any are being shipped to Tenn or close to my area I have a large barn, stalls, pastures and an awesome Vet. [/SIZE]
I know therer are a lot of you that will disagree with what I did, but I publically appoliged to Mr Trembly in the news paper comments. I feel that although it was wrong to let the horses get to this state of condition, I feel he is human with feelings such as we all have, and I had the strong urge to let him know how I felt. I also feel that his tender age, I for one don't want to be the cause of him having a heart atack or get sick over this trama.
Personally, I think I agree with you, LindaB. I have done enough rescue to know that the most important thing is the horses and the only ways to help them are through either legal means or working with the owners to reach a successful resolution for the horses. The latter is MUCH easier and of shorter duration, plus it hopefully creates a win-win situation. When I spoke with the Sheriff, he actually
did tell me the truth and I think that was the turning point this week. And personal contacts with KSU
did confirm the vet going out there.
Vicki, I am going to suspend my YouTube slideshow and edit it to let the world know that progress is being made as well as include action people can now take to help this situation continue on the road to success for the minis. Can you please let us know what types of information would be most helpful at this point? Names of rescues, letters of thanks for progress, ways they can help, etc.
I hope no one feels the need to flame me, but whatever. I won't go down that road. I am too focused on doing what needs to be done and expending my energy there.
God bless you all (especially you, Ginny and Vic McMullen! :aktion033: ) for continuing the work on the "front lines". Please keep telling us how we can continue to help YOU.
"EXACTLY!!!! Like it or not it sometimes takes a bit of butt kissing to get a job done!" Amen, Shannon!! You must work/have worked in "Corporate America". Okay, back to butt-kissing.
: (we need a butt-kissing emoticon!
