In fact, our research leads us to believe that only two law suits have ever been filed against AMHA. Both lawsuits were filed by members because of the violations of rules by the Board of Directors. AMHA lost both lawsuits and did settle out of court for a fee paid to the members.
First; Although AMHA has been sued you have overlooked an imortant fact:The insurance company settled for an "undisclosed amount" for AMHA and with the approval of the EC. AMHA did not pay assocation funds to the plaintiff(s).
Gary, does it matter that the insurance company paid on behalf of the Board? WHY should members have to sue THEIR OWN organization to get the rules followed? Look at the real problem. The Board LOST BOTH TIMES BECAUSE OF THEIR VIOLATIONS OF THE RULES. They AND the Attorney were warned by the judge to follow the rules. THEY DON'T.
Personally, I would HATE to be the AMHA's insurance company. How would you like to insure a group that repeatedly does the same things over and over, gets sued and LOSES and never seems to learn? How long will they continue to insure a group that ignores the rules they were incorporated under? At what point will the loss be too great?
Well, for many of the membership, the loss is already too great. Watch and monitor the clubs finances, show attendance, registrations, etc. Do you "hear" the quiet voice of the membership speaking out? I do.
Wil the message be heard?