I got a bag of pellets, as I'm out of alfalfa hay for a while. The bag has no directions for how much to feed. What amount does anyone here feed who uses this product?
I offer them grass hay but they are on pasture right now, until things green up. I just looked at the bag I bought and it has a bunch of minierals added. I don't want that so I need to look for another brand. Does Standlees have extra stuff in it?pellets and cubes can replace baled hay pound for pound. So, if you feed 1# of hay you feed one pound of pellets; you might be able to feed a little less, as there is no waste with pellets, but could be some waste with hay.
Are they getting grass hay in addition to the alfalfa hay?
No Standlee does not have anything extra added, perhaps some bentonite as a binder, but no vit/min.I offer them grass hay but they are on pasture right now, until things green up. I just looked at the bag I bought and it has a bunch of minierals added. I don't want that so I need to look for another brand. Does Standlees have extra stuff in it?
Before which is the actual weight of the food they are getting. The water is just a bonus.If you are going to go by weight, would you use the before water or after water weight?