Well-Known Member
I am so sorry this much awaited foal didn't survive. An abortion is always so hard on us horse mommies. Thank goodness your mare was able to deliver the fetus with no apparent issues. I agree strongly with Val in the quote above. Our vet always examines the mare and will flush and infuse with antibiotics after an abortion. ( I ususally keep the fetus and placenta in the refrigerator until he can examine them)I recommend that you call your vet in the morning and ask if they want to see the mare. They may have suggestions on what you should be on the look out for. It is possible the mare aborted due to a uterine/placental infection. If that is the case then the mare needs to be flushed for 3 days with antibiotics. The breeding future of your mare depends on careful management at times like these. Most likely there was a congenital problem with the foal that caused it to die and be aborted, but you need to be sure that your mare is 'clean'.
Since your mare is an experienced mom, I doubt the weaning had anything to do with the abortion.
Good luck!
Some things you might consider.......was your mare exposed to any new horse after she was bred? Did any horse of yours she had access to go anywhere where there were horses? Had she been vaccinated for anything in the last 10-20 days? Had any pesticides or herbicides been used in her enviornment?
Most of the time we never find an answer, but sometimes we come up with something that we can change in our horse management.
I hope all goes well the next time she is bred.....and I bet it does.