Well-Known Member
I was using AMHA Studbook online and discovered that 3 of my original horses(almost 20 years ago) are missing their registration numbers and listed as UNREGISTERED.It really upsets me since I paid $1200 for the stallion and $600 each for 2 mares to have them Hardshipped many years ago when I first got into Minis.I refused to breed unregistered horses and figured if they would pass an inspection they would be ok to breed.I got some nice offspring from all 3 and still have 3 daughters from 1 pair.I have contacted the AMHA and hope they correct this problem since all 3 horses show up many times in pedigrees of horses I have bred.I would suggest if any of you have ever hardshipped a horse, just check to see if it is still registered.2 of the 3 horses of mine are now deceased, but they should still have their registration numbers given to the offspring.2 daughters were born before they were hardshipped and I had to hardship them as well.Boy did I spend lots on hardship fees way back then.I'm glad I did it because all my horses have always been registered.