My goodness, we went from raising one fee $10 to AMHA is a rich man's game only. That was the only fee raised with anything that pertains to registration and I am sorry, but if you think $10 more to take your stallion permanent is to much, maybe you should look at your stallion again. If he is that good, then his foals will more than recoup that $10. If not then maybe he shouldn't be breeding at all. We had other suggestions for encouraging more owners to geld but I am truly sure you wouldn't have liked those as they would have cost you more than $10. And if you want to compare apples to apples, AMHA doesn't charge anything to take a stallion to gelding status but it cost you $10 to do the same in AMHR. Also no one can tell you if they think your stallion is breeding quality, only you can do that, BUT if everyone was honest about their stallions they wouldn't have to think twice about $10. I truly hate that some of you think this is only for the show horses, its truly not. It is just one more step to getting the industry to understand how important geldings can be.
And just so everyone knows, I don't own a stallion. I have 5 geldings and all have been shown with two placing top three as weanling stallions at the World Show. They are wonderful geldings that would have made very good stallions. We did show a stallion last year to mulitple grands and reserves and as soon as his show season was over, he was gelded too. I am not one to just talk the talk. I practice what I preach. If the number of foals every year was decreased by every breeder then the ones that are born would be worth more. The industry is so over run with foals that just don't need to be here. The Gelding Incentive is just one small way to help in that direction in getting more people to geld more stallions and colts. And just so everyone also understands that its not just for halter horses, we are paying back some to the performance division as well this year. Its going to start out small but the more we have to participate the bigger the checks will get.
If anyone would like to know more about the program please feel free to get in touch with me. I will answer anything and everything that I am able to.
Karen Hunter