I wasnt even going to post as I almost lost a mare today which kinda puts all this stuff into perspective. Im in this for the love of the horses/ponies whatever you want to call them. It comes from my heart not an agenda or to make money or anything else.
I just want to say there were a lot of concerning things in this rewrite besides just seats and terms. Many were upset over section 2.7 which reads as follows:
Any member may be suspended or expelled from them membership with or without cause upon the affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of all the directors if, in the discretion of the Board of Directors as indicated by such a vote, such suspension or expulsion would be in the best interest of the Corporation.
So that doesnt worry anyone? You could be expelled with or without cause? I do not think this is better than the current bylaw which lists specific reasons why a member could be expelled. (cheating on papers etc) The current bylaw also address's what a member can do if they are given notice of expulsion, such as a hearing before the board etc. The new bylaw does not.
As said previously you either had to vote it ALL in or NONE of it in.
I just want to say there were a lot of concerning things in this rewrite besides just seats and terms. Many were upset over section 2.7 which reads as follows:
Any member may be suspended or expelled from them membership with or without cause upon the affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of all the directors if, in the discretion of the Board of Directors as indicated by such a vote, such suspension or expulsion would be in the best interest of the Corporation.
So that doesnt worry anyone? You could be expelled with or without cause? I do not think this is better than the current bylaw which lists specific reasons why a member could be expelled. (cheating on papers etc) The current bylaw also address's what a member can do if they are given notice of expulsion, such as a hearing before the board etc. The new bylaw does not.
As said previously you either had to vote it ALL in or NONE of it in.