Well-Known Member
I will also mention that the Wild Rose AMHR show is on in Olds AB that same weekend (Friday June 5th)...they moved their show up a week this year so it's the same weekend as the Manitoba show--a really STUPID move IMO--so they have lost the Manitoba horses that would have shown there otherwise. (and there would have been several Manitoba exhibitors this year had they not changed dates). Last year the Wild Rose show had only 2 judges and their fees were exorbitant--stall fees and entry fees were both higher than those at Nationals. Not sure if this year is going to be the same or not. Regardless, the Manitoba International is much the better of the two!We would love to see you here!![]()
There was 3 judges at the Olds show last year, and yeah, prices were high, we're only an hour away and nearly didn't go until the entry fees were revised about 6 weeks before the show - show management can't do anything about stall fees though, they just pass on what the venue charges. They are only going to have 2 judges this year. And actually, it was last year that the date changed, it was originally on that first weekend of June. I'm sure there were a number of considerations in the decision of when to hold the show, not the least of which would be availability of the venue. I'm not involved in the organization of the show, and am not aware of all the factors, but I guess I find it a little harsh to call it a "stupid move".
Leia - All you need is a current coggins, and international health papers. Total cost comes to about $150 (and we're probably not the cheapest), at our clinic we can get them done, signed by the federal vet, and back for the owner to pick up in as little as 2 days if we have to, usually takes about 3 or 4. And the coggins is good for 6 months, health papers for 30 days. All you need to do make a vet appointment, they'll look after the rest!
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