Well she hung on and hasn't so far heard the cry of GET TO WORK!! Been laying flat out, puffing and dreaming, then back up to eat more hay. I'd better top up her hay corner I think as she's now munching again! After that I'm waking Cathy up and digging her out of her warm bed here in the corridor coz it is my turn to get warm, cosy and asleep! (it's 3.15am and I'm getting a bit boggle eyed staring at this screen, plus I have had too many cups of tea and now need a loo visit!) Chapella has just done a large wee (which has made me feel more desperate LOL!) and a large pile of normal droppings so I think we may be out of luck for a foaling tonight - unless things change quickly.
So goodnight all - back tomorrow.
So goodnight all - back tomorrow.