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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
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Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
OK,.....I flopped her mane over to the right last night,.....and there it was!!

I never noticed before,.....Her mane is really thick and I just quickly held it up and brushed underneath it,...but,..last night I did notice it after her mane was outta the way,...

I really brushed it there good,..and It must be itchy ,..cause Foxy was pushing back against the brush and her head was almost on the ground,...She was enjoying it sooo much,...

Do you guys know what it might be and how to mkae it GO AWAY?????


It is that whiteish spot behind her ears,.....also,...Her mane is FULLY loaded with dandruff,..or something?

I tried to comb most of it out last night?
[SIZE=14pt]Its lice..... she needs to be dusted with Sevin and wormed with Ivermectin. That is where she has been rubbing to itch. That is also probably why she is itching her tail dock.[/SIZE]

Yep I agree with Lyn looks like lice, icky! Be sure to dust or wash your brushes too.
She hasnt been itching her tail or nothing and her hair around her tail looks fine,..It is just that one spot,.....Thanks again

edited to add,.......I just got off the phone with Fred , work,...and he will pick up some lice powder and some Ivermectin today,....

I will do it tonight,.....But,..I hope I can worm her safely this close to foaling,....

On the lice powder, I do just that one area,..or do I do all of her,..I havent noticed it anywhere else?

and ,.can I use the lice powder on her brushes and stuff?

Thanks again,..sorry to be such a nuisance,...again,..LOL
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Lice is very contagious!!! To other animals and also to humans. I would definately wash up good everytime you go near her or touch anything associated with her. Changing clothes is also a good idea. When you dust her, you must dust everywhere, as the lice eggs may not be visible and the adults seem to wander. I am assuming that horse lice is just like human lice. If so, then I think you should also use a comb after dusting to thread out the lice and eggs, like they do in human hair. But someone else may be able to confirm that. After dusting, I would move her to another stall if possible and clean out the current bedding in this stall. Dust the ground really well. You do not want lice to start on the baby when it comes. Monitor any other horses or pets she has had access to as well, as it can easily be transfered. We had lice on a rooster of mine when we got him. Luckily, he is the only chicken I have (he had roosted in a tree by my house and was being attacked by a dog one day, so I had to bring him home) so he couldn't spread it to anyone else. We dusted him good and do so every so often to make sure that he doesn't get them back. It's not an easy task, so good luck.
Ok first, take it easy, it MIGHT be lice but it could also be dandruff, either way treating her for lice won't hurt her, neither will worming her. Be careful not to breathe in the louse powder.


Lice are generally species specific, horse lice to not transmit to humans. I know they're "icky" and give you the itches just thinking about them, but just wash your hands well after working with her/treating her.

So "horse lice" is different than the lice that can be spread between humans and birds? Thats really good to know. I am still learning about these things. Thanks for the clarification.
I can't be spread to himans, but it WILL spread from chickens and cows. At least, thats what my vet told me when he came to treat my horses lice this spring after his neglectful lessee housed him with some lousy chickens.
Does it look like this?If so it is not Lice as I was told the same thing, my vet said it is a form of rain rot due to the winter hair and the weather changing from hor to cold..All I did was shave him in those areas wash it real good and now 2weeks its vet said if you dont see crawling bugs its dried skin faling off
Most specie pf lice are species specific and cannot spread from one species to another- it is the difference in body temperature that prevents this happening.

What you saw were mites from the Rooster and Yes they are horrid but they do not live long on people- they do itch though as they will try!!!

Honestly I think this is just dry hair from being under the mane, dusting her will do no harm, but I do not think you have any reason to worry.
This gives me the eebie jeebies!!! I was told by several people including a vet and the local feed store woman not to handle my rooster than touch our hair. I assumed this is because they could relocate. By any means, I just know if I handle anything with lice (including sparrow chicks), take precautions and just wash up good. It also doesn't hurt to keep an eye out for possible invasion.
This looks like very dry skin. A good brushing and conditioning should help. I would not worm if she is within one month of foaling. Good luck!
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Yikes - do not freak out - it does not look like lice to me - and may simply be itching from dry winter hair and the warmer weather. Lice patches usually show up on the butt, lower neck and shoulders first - but it varies.

I have never used the lice powder on a pregnant mare - especially one that is close to foaling... you do not want that powder getting into the baby's eyes or mouth... :eek:

The ivermectin will work - IF there are indeed biting lice there. Any rough idea of when she is supposed to foal?

And as others have pointed out - horse lice will NOT stay on humans....
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I'm glad someone clarified that the lice on horses is not contageous to people. I also want to say that I have had many horses over the years that rubbed or itched and had a lot of flaking or dandruff and some had itchy white spots. We have never had lice. It's always been dry skin, always at it's worst at this time of year as they are trying to get rid of these heavy coats and the warm weather makes them more likely to get itchy and damp. Clean it up real good and make sure it can get lots of air to dry properly and stay dry. Clip the area if necessary.
YES! Whitewave,..It looks EXACTLY like that,..her mane is FULL of Dandruff,......I checked her REAALY good there,...but,...Didnt see no bugs at all,....or anything that coulda resembled eggs.

My girls caught lice in school down home one year,..soooo,..I know somthing of what to look for,....and as I said earlier,.....There is nothing on her bum or anywhere else,...It is just that one spot,..Where her mane is the thickest,...It is not on the other side of her neck at all,Where her mane was NOT laying.

I have NO clue when she is gonna foal,...sorry,....I wish I knew! Fred is guessing before the end of April.

I dont really want to dust her if it will hurt the foal either,....

So,.....The worming will,..hurt her then
,......I wish I could Do somthing to help my little girl not be so itchy there,....

Any kind of home remedies for this rain rot thingy?,..something that would not bother the baby????

Can I worm her AS SOON as the baby is born,..or no,....Will It go through her milk?

I am worried now,....

Thanks guys for all the useful advice,....I really do appreciate it,....I want to do the VERY best for my baby,...and would be totally lost without you all.
First of all, I feel totally stupid because of my earlier post. I didn't realize that human lice and horse lice are different. OOPS!!!

Secondly, I think someone suggested clipping this area to help relieve itching. If you think she truly needs an at home itching remedy after clipping, try making a paste out of baking soda and water. Apply it to the affected area and let dry. Aloe Vera also works to relieve itching and sooth the skin. You can try Colgate toothpaste, to sooth the skin or rubbing a wet bar of Ivory Soap over the affected area. Just some tips I've picked up. Hope this post helps!
Actually I worm the mare IMMEDIATELY after the baby is born with Ivermectin...and have NEVER had a if you wait, you should be fine. Ivermectin isn't a harsh wormer at all.

I had a mare that had diahhrea (I can never spell that word right and don't have time to go look it up
: ) and in trying to figure out why, my vet had me do a 5 day double dosage of Panacur about 3 weeks before she foaled - and then worm with Ivermectin 2 weeks after she foaled...and there were no problems at all. (turned out that the mare's problem was SAND - 30 days on SanBlast cured her).

I'm no vet so if it's something you're really concerned about (worming her this close to foaling) maybe you could check with your vet to be sure it's safe - I trust my vet and know she wouldn't tell me to do something that would harm a foal....but you should check with your vet so you'll feel comfortable with whatever you decide.
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OK,..Thanks Newbie25,....I will try one of them,.......Or all of them,..LOL :bgrin

I just want my girl to feel better,.....

DakotahMoon_Ranch,....Thanks also,..i will call and ask my vet,.....Although,..I was told that they DO NOT know a lot about miniature horses or ponies,.....

I'll tell you,..That does not make me feel good at all!
I just got off the phone with the vet's secretary and she told me that it would be ok to worm Foxy tonight ,..She said it would not hurt the foal,.....

I asked her about the rain rot,.....and she said that she had never heard of it before. :eek:

Now,..i dont know wether to worm Foxy or not,....until after she has the baby

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