Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know training went well on Thrus. My first day is Mon.. I am very excited..I am just going to be a cashier at a retail gas station/convient store), but I am starting out at what it took me 10 yrs to make at the bank I use to work for, and I was vault/head teller, as high as you could go on the teller line.. Heck I am going to be making more than my drugie sister who works with explosives.. But the only bad news is that I won't be able to be on here as much
. I am on the forum at night, and that is the shift I picked, since I can't sleep much anyways, plus this way I won't miss much with the kids and still be able to spend my after dinner hours with my mini's
.. I pray that this helps us, as hubby found out today, that he might not get called back.. After 10 yrs there..
But he is trying to wait till they sign the contract, so he can get his back pay(he hasn't had a raise in 5 yrs), and also the "bonus" they are getting. With the new contract, his buy out is going to be taken away (100,000 at retirement). So they are going to give them 5,000. instead and pay them it at the signing of the new contract.. I really do not like that place.. He works for a dock company. on Lake Erie that was bought out by Candian National (CN), railroad, and they really have put that dock in the ground..
Alright enough going on and on.. Wish me luck, and I will try to stay caught up on here..It just will be during the day, now..