I'll peek oput for five seconds here and answer this one.
As someone who's suffered major depressive bouts since I was around 11 and has bi-polar running in her family, I never really was sure one way or the other. I'd seen the difference Prozac had made in my sister, but never experienced it.
I'd also never been diagnosed with anything- I'd never seen a doctor about it, and until fairly recently, I didn't even recognize that I was having manic and depressive episodes. I literally did not (could not) see my behavior and thinking processes as odd, since it was NORMAL for me. I knew I got awfully "blue" for awhile, but no one ever mentioned anything and I never asked.
During the last few months of my pregnancy, I knew I was more "off" then usual. After Nathan was born, it was like my brain splatted on the pavement. My anxiety caused me to start fixating and fearing normal everyday baby stuff, and my bi-polar dropped me into post partum depression. The PPD was so strong that I could barely eat- I would get hungry, but the thought of putting food into my mouth, chewing, then swallowing, made my stomach churn. I literally had to distract myself just to eat.
I was crying for no reason, couldn't handle anything, and Nathan's crying during diaper changes (Thank GOODNESS he was such a calm baby
) literally hit me like some sort of psychological warfare. I was supposed to love my son, but felt no love- only anxiety, fear, dread, and this overwhelming sense of hopelessness. I knew something was wrong... I couldn't go a day without calling my mother, and multiple calls to the hospital nursery as well. And I'd delt with babies before, too.
The doc put me on Effexor, and it was the difference between night and day. I realize now, looking back, that I was in a place I never want to see again. It terrifies me (literally) to think of ever being that depressed and mentally haywire again. I'm still on the Effexor for now, but will be weaned off it soon- within the next 3 months.
As I told the doctor, I cannot remember a time in YEARS that I have had such a stretch of clear-headedness.
I do believe in anti-depressants. However, like any drug, they can be over prescribed. I will not take medication unless it is needed (in fact, I have at least three precriptions I never filled from the time around when I had Nathan), and have no qualms about asking why it's being prescribed.
I believe that without the aid of Effexor, Nathan or more likely myself would have come to harm. That was one of the few things that surprised me about it all- through out the entire span of my crash and burn after Nathan was born, I continued to take care of him... Even when I was exhausted, crying, scared to death, etc. I knew if I didn't do it, there was no one else who would (since hubby was at work)- and while I wasn't important, that (not so) little baby boy wasn't going to suffer because of me.
Now I look at him and I love him... even if I'm not liking him at the moment because he's missed his nap and is screaming like a banshee in my good ear
I've never been suicidal (I always had the thought of people who needed me/would be devestated without me, but never a thought that I myself was important), but I've been to some pretty messed up and dark places.
My head is my trap, and my brain is apparently not my best friend; the Effexor saved me from breaking down completely. In doing so, it may very well have saved a life or even lives. I jokingly call it my "magic pill"... it's making light of a very frightening experience.
The hope is that my system will once agian be "normal" (whatever is normal for me, that is) as the hormones from pregnancy and such will have mostly gotten out of my system, and I can return to a "normal" existance soon (There's alot more I could say about that, but I won't.)- I'll have been on the Effexor for four months come December 22nd, but the Dr may keep me on this dose for another 2 months (for a total of 6) before he starts to wean me off the medication.
Sorry to have gone on so long about that. It's just one of those "things" with me.