Any donkey savvy people out there????

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I am so excited to see this lil longeared fuzz butt! It sounds like she will foal very soon. You're doing an awesome job keeping tabs on her and the fact that she wants to cling to you rather than hide tells me she has really bonded with you already and that's awesome!
I know what you mean. I'm waiting on our last minature mare to foal. She looked ready a couple nights ago and now she is back pettling. She lost her baby last year to a bad delivery, so want this baby. Also need a playmate for the two week old filly that we have.
Yup, can't wait. And praying you'll have a little playmate for your two week old filly very soon, too, MMM !!
I take it she's still holding on, since there is no update! Come on little momma!!
Well I was hoping Id come back here after the weekend to Long baby ears ??

How is the lady in waiting ? ( Apart from driving you Crazy )
She's really being something......making us all crazy on the wait. But, I'm sure that little baby long ears will be worth any wait!!

Keep us posted!!
Yes still waiting oh my gosh ugh! I've come to the conclusion the little guy doesn't stay in birthing position long. She keeps getting skinny then round. Last night she rolled and moaned, peed about 5 times in one hour, but I knew it wasn't labor, you could see the baby pushing and maybe rolling or trying to in that belly, way to much activity and I'm thinking it's just not in the correct position but still trying. Any thoughts on this?
Poor girl must be uncomfortable in these last weeks. Sounds like baby still has some room to move around, so if s/he's still active, maybe there is some time before she goes. I'd just keep a close eye on her. I don't have experience with these long ears, but I'm anxiously awaiting your arrival to see this precious little one. ~~Diane
Ok so I sat in the barn until 2:00am peaking very discreetly at her, she was extra quiet and calm so I decided to get a couple hours of sleep, woke up walked out peaked in the outside barn window and there she was licking a little black baby, I was so sad I missed it, probably by about 30 minutes since he was standing really wobbly and soaking wet. What a cutie! In less then 2 hours he was doing tiny bucks with big attitude, so blessed Im in awe
can a video be uploaded or just photos because I managed to get some big sass at just a couple hours old lol

I think you can upload videos onto YouTube and then post them here, but I don't know if you can post videos directly here.

Can't wait to see the pictures!
Congrats. She was waiting to catch you off guard, very feral momma of her. Can't wait to see pics.
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CONGRATULATIONS! I can;t wait to see your new baby!! Is mama letting you handle her baby or is she still standoffish? Hope all goes well. I am happy for you!
She doesn't leave his side, such a good mom but yes we have hugged and kissed him 1000 times and she's very watchful but perfectly fine with it. She's pretty bonded to my daughter and I though





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