Anybody allergic to cats or dogs?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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If so what are your reactions? After 3 allergic reactions in 3 weeks I am pretty sure Mya is allergic to one or both. All three reactions have pets in common, the last two reactions pets are they only possible reason. The latest was today. Yesterday I baby sat my neice who came from home where she has a dog and a cat. With her she brought a bag of toys, mostly stuffed animals. THis morning she had a couple red spots, by 11 they were calling me so I had my mom get her. I picked her up at 330 and she was red and splotchy/bumpy head to toe. The redness has gone down some but the poor girl looks like she has a black eye and two tomato ears.

The Dr. put her on 3 different oral meds and a topical, no pets what so ever for 10 days after this round clears. If she says clear no pets ever!

I sure hope she isnt allergic to horses, she has two ponys that await her attention!
OH and each reaction gets a bit worse. Her lungs have gunk in them but the Dr isnt sure if its part of the reaction or something else.
As someone who has life threatening allergies, I would suggest taking Mya to an allergist to find out exactly the source of the allergy if possible. Could be any kind of thing she came into contact with and if she's developing blotches from head to toe, it's serious. I hope she's feeling better and has no more reactons ever.
I tested allergic to everything once. Especially cats. I avoided owning or petting cats much of my life, but reacted being around people that owned cats and would get an asthma attack going into a house of a person owning a cat. I got allergy shots for years and got put on decent medications... I also started owning cats. hard to believe..huh? I did not allow them in my bedroom ever. I washed my hands after I petted them. I also started getting less and less allergic to the cats. I now can pet them and pick them up. Still can't change the litter box without a mask. I find that the less I lived in a self created bubble, the healthier I got. Owning cats and managing them smartly and taking my meds and going to an allergist helped me tremendously. I got mad when the allergist told me I could never own dogs and cats. I said, if all the allergist does is tell you to avoid every thing you are allergic to, then what are we paying them for. LOL. I used to break out in hives too. They called me "hyper sensitive". I discovered allegra is my working medication, I take it BEFORE I handle the cats or go to someones house with a pet inside cat. My outside and barn cats cats don't get much dander and I can pet them all the time now and not react. I use xopenex for my asthma, but it rarely occurs. Exercise is great. For little kids you need to be very careful until they are older and can handle their allergies and the severities do lessen with time if you don't self impose the "bubble" IMHO. Let her grow up, teach her to wash her hands after handling pets and to not rub her eyes or face. Keep all pets away from her sleeping areas. Yogurt daily can really help with allergies. They say kids exposed to pet dander when young have less allergies when they grow up. Good luck, I can understand your frustration not knowing what is causing the problem. All doctors give pets the heavy lecture, however it could just as easily be a food making her more sensitive. take care and best wishes... all is not lost, she is young... great chances to grow out of it!. Skip those anti bacterial scrubs, get rid of any foods with msg on label.

ps, I have 6 dogs, a ton of cats, two goats and two horses. My allergies are managed and I do ok.
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Her foods, the small lust hasn't change at all. She isn't even a year yet so had to do alot of those things
Her foods, the small lust hasn't change at all. She isn't even a year yet so had to do alot of those things
3 doses of steroids and she's pretty much back to herself.
I was allergic to dogs as a young child. If I was around them I became violently ill, would throw up. It was awful. The bad part was I wanted a dog SO bad. I brought dog book after dog book home from the library. It broke my heart I couldn't have one. Every time I went to see my pediatrician I wrote him letter about how awesome a doctor he was and...oh yeah..can I have a dog? LOL And for my 12th birthday I got one. I outgrew the allergy. I have pretty much always had dogs in my life since that time, and cats and in the last 4 years horses. No problems.

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