Apply for Passport

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Filipowicz Farm

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2003
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We had appointment to get out passports so we could visit friends and show some of our horses in Canada. Our birth certificates were old and had scotch tape on them. They would not be excepted so have to send for new ones. Mine had one peice of tape and the U.S. accepted it
just a short time ago for Social Security but when getting passports your birth certificate must be in good shape. We had to travel a distance to do this so just some info to save anyone time and a trip.
I have to agree, they certainly are fussy with the paperwork requirements they have.

But I look forward to seeing you and your horses showing here in Ontario!
Yes, birth certificates must be in good conditon in order to be submitted with passport. The passport card that is just coming out is only good for border crossings by vehicle in/out of Canada and Mexico. As of June 1 you must have a passport booklet for all air travel to/from U.S. and for cruises that leave from one port and return to another....if the cruise goes/comes from same port you can use birth cert until June 1, 2009 and then must have passport. Also when applying for a passport, your name is run thru several data bases to see if you owe taxes, child support or have any warrants. In 2007, the passport apps increased and it was a real mess, right now it is taking 2-3 weeks, and as summer gets closer it is only going to get worse. One web site to order a new birth cert from is or go to your local coruthouse...if they are linked with others on system they may be able to get your birth cert. it is worth a try. New passports cost about 123.00 and expedited runs around another if you have to get them for a family it is a good investment.
It's kind of funny the way things are at the moment. An American can enter Canada with just a birth certificate, but must have a passport to re-enter the U.S.

An American passport is valid for 10 years (and is very beautiful). Ours is only good for 5 years.
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Just a reminder to anyone who applies. Some people may not know to that if they are only going to Canada, then the card type is fine and is much cheaper than a book. My husband had to apply for his the other day, he goes into Canada all the time for work and it was only at the last minute that she told him about the card one. If you have to order a new birth certificate, I would order two. We did not realize he had to actually send the birth certificate in with the paperwork. So, now he cannot get into Canada at all while he waits for that to come back.
I sent for my passport book in January and it took about 2 weeks to process it. I was also surprised that they would not take cash for all of the payment. The local process fee of 25.00 they would take cash for but the federal part I had to write a check. I was also surprised that they took the birth certificate but I did get it back in a separate mailing. They said right now that it take approx 3 weeks however, the closer to summer the longer it will take. Wasn't sure they were going to accept my birth certificate as it was so blurry but it was a new copy and had the seal so they must have decided it was ok.


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