Arab or Quater Horse type

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Sulphur Springs, TX
The Arabian type, long legged and elegant little horses are just beautiful.

And I like the Little Quater Horse type a lot

And you?

I like them both too!! But the little ones that are all fit up for show are my favorite!
I have 2 mares (that I breed) and they both have two totally different type foals....My black mare has long legged very petite refined foals (all fillies).....and my buckskin mare has the quarter-type foals (all colts). I like them both, but I do love the quarter look better.
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I personally, like a middle of the road, refined yet with some muscle- something athletic. I like my full sized horses that way too.
I like them both. My mini is more the quarter horse type, but I'd say I like both types equally.

Back when I first got interested in Mini's (about 25 years ago) I also saw a lot of what i would consider a draft type mini horses around locally. They were very heavy boned and muscled and very often had a good deal of feathering on the lower legs. I really like those, as a draft horse lover if I could find one like that I'd flip out. But you really just don;t see them around anymore.
Well i would say i like the more araby type. Although as it was discussed a while back the type that we call araby don't compare anything near what a real full size Arabian looks like. So i guess i would say i like the more ultra refined type. They are the type that are winning in the show ring in halter. I have never been much into the heavier Quarter horse type horses although we do have a couple broodmares that are that type but when they are crossed with our ultra refined stallions the babies are really nice and refined. Our breeding program is focused around producing ultra refined miniatures for showing. And here are a couple examples of what i mean when i say ultra refined.


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I have to admit I like BOTH types, and I like em small.

and funny enough that is reflected in what I like in big horses too, which is QH and Arabs

Well for me personally, I do like a horse with "araby" features.........such as pretty head (for me it doesn't have to be extreme though), an upright neck set onto the shoulders is my main focus - something I really want in a horse, tight ears, big eyes, and attitude.

That said I also want my horses to have some "body"/substance on them, and I don't mean look like a quater horse halter horse where they look like a body builder of the world either. But I so often see people say oh this horse is so refined.........yeah maybe? but where is this horses hip? chest? I don't want a horse that has both legs coming out of the same socket, for a hip that is only half as big as its front portion. (and this statment is not made saying full sized arabs don't have a hip or a chest, as most do and lovely ones at that.........but just a statement I see made with the mini people) I want a horse to be able to gain muscle and carry it, have a chest, butt and back on them.

So for me a horse that is SMOOTH, just flows together; whether it have a little more body/bone to them, or be very refined is something I want.
I think I like them both.

I have one horse who is like a perfect little quarter horse. So many times, people say this or that is a QH style mini when really it is a drafty type mini. The one I am thinking of is not a bit drafty and is a qh mini but still with refinement (see below).

A good horse is a good horse no matter what the style of it's build.

One thing I do NOT like are the "ultra refined" minis who have a real narrow build. Some look like a stiff wind would blow them over. I like them to have a built chest and look like they can DO stuff vs. seem to fragile.

Something I have always admired about the horses Erica breeds is that they are beautifully refined yet still built to actually DO things.


(Tibbs Sundowner -- this is the type of QH mini I like!)
I like both types. I have both types. I like the refinement but want to see a chest and butt as well. I want my horse to be able to perform as well as look pretty. jennifer :saludando:
While any "big horse" comparison must be taken with a grain of salt, I'd have to say that my favorite type could best be described as somewhere between Anglo Arab and Morgan. Long legs, short back and nicely laid back shoulder. Fine-boned but with muscle. Beautifully proportioned, slightly arched neck (not the exaggerated "hook" that has become popular). Clean throatlatch. Handsome head with big, intelligent eye, strong jaw,small muzzle and a dry, straight profile. I'm not into the baby doll, dished face.

More than any specific type (and I admire a good example of any type), it's the overall silhouette, the balanced flow of supple neck into laid back shoulder into short coupled back and powerful hindquarters that absolutely slays me. And it's what the conformation tells me about how that horse can move that "moves" me.
Well I think there is no comparison really

I dont own QH's but have worked at several shows and yes they come in many different styles from the old bulldog type, to the HUGE halter horses to the more refined hunter type of QH so we are not the only breed dealing with many different styles that still meet the breed standard

That said the same IMO goes with arabians from those with more substance then not and those typer styles then not.

A refined horse can still move and do performance -a horse with more substance can still do halter and each can do so succesfully.

Personally no offense to anyone here I have never been a huge arab fan they are nice to look at dont get me wrong
I find a T/B or warmblood type of head very pretty so once again goes to perception. I dont look at something with a "pretty head" and define it an arab type.

To me it is over all balance although as a general statement I would guess I go for a more Hunter in type style mini then not

seems like more people can be in agreement about types when using styles such as hunter type, western type then breeds but of course that to is subject to perception lol
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I like the Arab, TB and Warmblood types above all others. Their long necks, legs and beautiful refined faces rank higher than any other style or breed of horse that I know. Really pretty on the eyes
Although I appreciate any good horse and I like both I prefer the QH type that typically has more muscle tone- I just love good muscling on a horse of any size!

Well me personally I prefer a well conformed very balanced "miniature" type. Since no mini ever resembles a big horse and really we shouldn't be striving for another "breeds" type, I like a mini that looks balanced. It can be drafty, warm blood, or cold blood, and a very few resemble a hot blood so long as there is balance.
WolfLady, IMO there are two types of Quater Horse Minis...

The Draft...


And The Finer Type...



And Here is my own real QH mare...


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I like them both. But I do like the finer of the QH type a lot. I like them to be small and not too drafty. I like them to be well balanced and have good conformation and a nice head. I like the pic. of the finer type that Midnight Star Stables posted.
I like the araby features, but with some muscle on the horse. Can't stand the super refined looking horse. Needs to have atleast some flesh and bone on him.

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