Well for me personally, I do like a horse with "araby" features.........such as pretty head (for me it doesn't have to be extreme though), an upright neck set onto the shoulders is my main focus - something I really want in a horse, tight ears, big eyes, and attitude.
That said I also want my horses to have some "body"/substance on them, and I don't mean look like a quater horse halter horse where they look like a body builder of the world either. But I so often see people say oh this horse is so refined.........yeah maybe? but where is this horses hip? chest? I don't want a horse that has both legs coming out of the same socket, for a hip that is only half as big as its front portion. (and this statment is not made saying full sized arabs don't have a hip or a chest, as most do and lovely ones at that.........but just a statement I see made with the mini people) I want a horse to be able to gain muscle and carry it, have a chest, butt and back on them.
So for me a horse that is SMOOTH, just flows together; whether it have a little more body/bone to them, or be very refined is something I want.