baby chicks EVERYWHERE!

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Our broody girl hatched hers yesterday. All three eggs hatched! 20 days. We were thinking it would be a couple more days. No idea what breed the chicks are, as the eggs came from a place with mixed hens/roosters. But for all 3 eggs to be successful, the birds must be good ones. The striped one is the most active.
Congrats on the baby peeps!!!

Best thing abot babies... they start out one color... then change into the oppisite color!!! Ya never know what they will feather out too.

I have some born totally solid yellow, but feathers are coming in blue calicos!
Mom is so interesting to watch. She shows them how to peck, and even breaks up the larger pieces for them. They are drinking. We put medication (amprolium) in the water for them. I wonder if she will take them outside tomorrow?

We think the striped one might be a game chicken, but who knows! The black ones have black legs.

The 5 barred rock chicks we have in the house that came from the feed store are getting little wings and tails.

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