Bantam chickens

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
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Ok, so I sold all my big chickens that layed dark chocolate colored eggs to buy a whole bunch of super cute little fancy bantam chickens ranging in a ranbow of colors. I now have 20 in the barn and will be picking up 5 more Wednesday morning. Im not just getting any ole bantams either, many of them I personally believe are show quality. The thing is, I know nothing about showing birds, or if Im totally wrong about them being quality enought to be possibly shown.

I was wondering who here shows chickens and what is expected and what should I know about showing them? Do they have to be hen & rooster or can it be a single bird? I underlined the ones I think would be show quality. Sorry no pics...

Here's what I have...

1 cochin rooster under a yr old. He is a blue splash calico BUT dose not have a perfect comb.

1 cochin rooster over a yr old. Pure black with a perfect comb.

1 cochin hen less then a yr old. Black with some red feathering by her comb.

3 cochin/millie flur mix hens, all lees then yr old colord mostly red with some mix colors of black and white.

1 old english hen TINY less then yr old

1 pure white silkie hen with beard and top hat less then yr old

1 partridge silkie hen with beard and top hat less then yr old

1 grey partridge rooster OR hen, top hat NO beard, less then yr old still cant tell the sex

3 cochins, 5 months old, calico whites, very very pretty includes 2 hens and 1 roo

1 millie flur/silver seabright mix hen 3 yrs old

2 millie flur/silver seabright/white silkie hens, less then yr old

1 millie flur/silver seabright/white silkie mix roosted less then yr old

1 cochin hen violet color 2 yrs old

2 buff millie flur hens less then yr old


2 cochin hens molted blacks 1 is 2 yrs old the other less then a yr old

(Possibly a cochin rooster that goes with hen above Blk molted color as well and both have won at shows)

3 pure mille flur hens all less then yr old.
Hi MindyLee...I don't show chickens, but have bred and raised them for many years from pets, to 4-H show, to layers...and even tho I don't like to think of it, I'm sure people have bought for food too. Probably your best bet would be to go online and do searches on showing chickens. I do believe from reading that just as with dogs and horses there is a standard you have to follow for each breed of chicken. They have to meet a certain criteria. I would think it could be a fun endeavor, and also a lot of time and preps. Good luck....sounds like you have a fun flock going for you. I love my Cochins. They are so sweet and personable.
I never got to show mine, but used to have plenty of cuchins, I asked the guy down the road that shows what the judges look for and he said, the feathers that face back toward the head, and to look at the chicken from the top and picture it sitting on a paper plate, the judges look for a nice round look.

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