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I'd do the rabies titer. I do on mine every year. Have you had him checked for Cushing's? That might be something to check too.
Please don't ever think you needed to take better care of Dapper Dan, he got the best care and had the best home a horse could have. He was a very lucky little horse to have had you as his person. Billy is too!
I agree with Cayuse and Dapper Dan knows that and so does Billy♥️
Billy got a clean bill of health today. Fecal was clean. The vet will call me with the results of the blood panel.
I took him to the elevator first to be weighed. Yay, down 30#! Gives me incentive to keep on with the diet agenda. He needs to lose at least 20# more.
He enjoyed being out and about. The big semi trucks didn't bother him at all. Wheat harvest is going on an it is a bumper year! Happy farmers!


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Looking good Billy!
I love his halter, is it leather? Where did you get it?
I got it from Ozark 20 years ago. I don't use it for every day, but keep it for when he travels. It's held up well. Some oil once a year or so, and I did use husband's Harley Davidson black leather stuff on it once. Not sure they still offer this halter.
Two weeks ago I took away his 1T BOSS and 1/4 C oat groats. I was worried he would not eat his joint supplement and vitamin pellets without the grain, but he licked the bowl clean overnight. I'm having trouble giving up my belief in the value of the two grains, but if it helps him lose weight, then they will have to go to the bird feeders. I am continuing his handful of alfalfa, though.
Got his bloodwork back today and everything looks good. Red and white count a hair below the normal range, but insulin, liver and kidneys all look great. Also a little low on potassium--not sure where he could get a little extra of that. Maybe he is not getting enough salt? The blood count could be due to age, or just the random day. Anyway, he is very healthy!
Also took my remaining chicken in. The bobcat got all the rest. She can never get out of her pen now, so likely we'll be overrun with grasshoppers. Anyway, she has been limping and I can't find anything. The vet could not either, but gave her a shot of antiinflammatory and sent some home for us to give her. $91 for the chicken visit.
Aww, hope the chicken will be OK. Didn't know you could give them an anti inflammatory! Glad Billy's bloodwork is good, whenever my guys get bloodwork they are always slightly low in the red and white count too. The vet just shrugs, says it happens.
We have bobcats in the area, they get pretty close to the barn sometimes. One took a nap in the field once!
Aww, hope the chicken will be OK. Didn't know you could give them an anti inflammatory! Glad Billy's bloodwork is good, whenever my guys get bloodwork they are always slightly low in the red and white count too. The vet just shrugs, says it happens.
We have bobcats in the area, they get pretty close to the barn sometimes. One took a nap in the field once!
Interesting that your guys' bloodwork also shows low in red and white. I looked on the supplement that I give Billy and it does contain potassium. Silly me, of course it does not come from salt!
Chicken no better this morning yet; wish me luck giving the medicene to her orally this evening!
Good to hear Billy is in great health! I am sorry to hear about the bobcat and your chickens. I do wish you luck. Let us know how it goes giving the chicken medicine 🙂
Billy got a clean bill of health today. Fecal was clean. The vet will call me with the results of the blood panel.
I took him to the elevator first to be weighed. Yay, down 30#! Gives me incentive to keep on with the diet agenda. He needs to lose at least 20# more.
He enjoyed being out and about. The big semi trucks didn't bother him at all. Wheat harvest is going on an it is a bumper year! Happy farmers!
Behind catching up on this thread. Our crops are barely in the ground, and won't be harvested until August, and some into September. We don't thaw out some years until Mother's Day; but wheat can be seeded in March or April, as long as the snow is gone.
Two weeks ago I took away his 1T BOSS and 1/4 C oat groats. I was worried he would not eat his joint supplement and vitamin pellets without the grain, but he licked the bowl clean overnight. I'm having trouble giving up my belief in the value of the two grains, but if it helps him lose weight, then they will have to go to the bird feeders. I am continuing his handful of alfalfa, though.
Maybe one bit of information will help you give up BOSS. While it can give a shiny coat, it's marketed to birds, so not tested for aflatoxins.
I hosted garden club today. I left Billy out to see if he would socialize or stand aloof. As soon as he saw all those potential horse-petters arrive he was on the spot. He came up on the porch and was just the coolest host. No pushing, just waiting politely for strokes. He got his picture taken a dozen times. He followed us all around the house while we looked at flowers. He really wanted to come indoors for the meeting, but we sternly turned him away at the door. He was a hit.


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It has been fun following Billy’s journey with you and watching how he steps up to his adventures with you and your community. He has certainly blossomed! 😁
I think being an "only" has helped a little. No buddy sour to deal with. Dapper Dan was rather bossy, and now Billy is finally relaxing. I still don't like his name, but he comes running when I call him, so Billy he stays. He's been with me two years next month.
Took Billy for his teeth today, and asked the vet to advise me whether Billy should be driving. His teeth were great, just a few points. But...
At first when he saw Billy move he thought there was no lameness issue. Then after Billy had trotted up and down and around a few times, he put the Lameness Locator on him. Sensors attached to a foreleg, his head, and on his hips. It is Bluetooth. They are gyroscopes. Weird, huh? From this, the vet saw that Billy was definitely lame in his hind end. The foreleg also showed some issues.
He can work in the light sulky--no heavy Jerald cart--and minimal trotting. Equiox daily and the Adequan monthly. Plus, lose weight. (I told him I've been working diligently on that. You all know what a terrible time I have with that issue)
The only way to find out exactly where the lameness is, is with nerve blocks--eliminating areas one at a time. I am not interested in doing that with Billy. We will just continue our little driving jaunts and keep working on the weight issue.
They were all impressed with his good manners and willingness.


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