Here you go Anna
H06.02 - Compulsory Equipment
(a) Standard bridle without blinkers;
(b) All bits must not be able to be pulled through the horses’ mouth. Examples of suitable bits are:
- Snaffle with full / half cheeks
- Driving bits (eg Liverpool)
- D ring snaffle
Egg butt snaffles or loose ring snaffles are not permitted;
© Harness saddle, or standard roller with D rings (padded or plain);
(d) Crupper
(e) Reins – length to suit, but must not be able to be walked on, made of any safe material, and reins to be split;
(f) Driver must be suitably attired, and must wear gloves;
(g) Whip suitable for driving (refer H01.©);
H06.03 - Optional Equipment
(a) Cavesson noseband (fitted above bit);
(b) Saddle cloth or pad.
H06.04 - Prohibited Equipment
(a) Full driving harness, breastplates, martingales, over checks, breeching;
(b) Any auxiliary equipment not specifically mentioned as compulsory or optional should be considered prohibited.
The use of prohibited equipment will result in automatic disqualification.
I hope this helps. Im not sure if I have met you or not? Do you compete much?